Turan: One of the most important results of the military operations launched on September 27 with the great moral support of Turkey is the release of Jabrayil, where you were born. For years, it has been painful for all of us to see the sadness and grief on your face when we were talking about Karabakh and Jabrayil. You were silent, deep in thought, and deeply grieved. Congratulations and I kindly request you to share your feelings and thoughts.

Kamil VəliKamil Vəli: Thank you very much, my dear student and friend Mayis. It seems to me that we should not congratulate each other. You were upset when a temporary ceasefire was declared on October 10 at the initiative of Moscow. Armenians present to the world the operations we have launched to liberate our dear motherland from occupation as if Turkey is also a party to this war. The operation launched on September 27 is a continuation of a very important military operation carried out in April 2016. Both Armenians and Russia saw the strength of the Azerbaijani and Turkish armies. We have not liberated all of Karabakh yet. The President said with determination, "We will liberate Karabakh, I will chase you away like a dog". These make us happy, we all say "Motherland first!" and support. The feeling of motherland is not only ideological but also natural. As a living being is connected to the world so he/she is connected to his/her motherland. The part of the motherland that is in danger for us is Karabakh. Socially, economically, and culturally, Azerbaijan cannot be whole without Karabakh. Azerbaijan has 4 centers: Tabriz, Derbent, Shusha, and Baku. At present, only Baku is in our hands, and we become happy only regarding this. It does not only makes us think but also mobilizes us. Armenians want to build a second state, and we must say this openly that their ultimate goal is Baku. Then there will be claims to Derbent and Tabriz and they will start fighting for the "Greater Armenia" fantasy. The key point of our struggle against this is the operation, which was launched by our army on September 27 and continues successfully. The temporary ceasefire, which came into force on October 10, was violated by the Armenians firing rockets at Ganja and killing our civilians, and Azerbaijan rightly continued its operations. We have liberated my very dear Jabrayil, where I was born, we have liberated Fuzuli. Very nice. However, Shusha is not ours yet, and although we are carrying out an attack on Khankendi, our soldiers have not set foot there yet. They are attacking our civilians in Ganja, Tartar, Mingachevir, Beylagan, and even Ordubad. Going into the depths of history, we see that Karabakh is one of the important centers of Turkism in the world. Like Samarkand, Bukhara, Merv, Urumchi. These places are the starting points of the Turkish-Islamic renaissance. Important areas of culture, which began in Tabriz and Urmia, reached their peak in Karabakh. The peak of the notable personages who grew up in Karabakh or whose ancestors came from Karabakh, of course, is not Polad Bulbuloglu but Ahmad Aghaoglu. His struggle for nationalism, freedom, democracy, and republic in Karabakh had not been limited to Azerbaijan. All issues for the modernization of the Turkic world begin with Aghaoglu. That is why Ahmad Aghaoglu is both Gaspirali and Alibay Huseynzade. Recall that in 1922, Ahmad Aghaoglu, who was born in Shusha in 1869, graduated from the Sorbonne University in 1894, was elected MP from Afyon in 1914 during the Ottoman Empire, and went to Baku as a political adviser to Nuri Pasha's Caucasus Islamic Army in 1918, made a speech in parliament to lay the foundations of a new Turkey on modernity. These people chose the path of Turkey, emphasizing the values of the state.

Turan: That is, you want to say that political values can be temporary but the interests of the state must be permanent.

Kamil Veli: It is absolutely true that political parties must fight on equal terms, the results of the election may be completely different, the people must be free to support the political party they want. But the overall goal is for the state to be strong and long-lived. We see this in Turkey. The operations launched on September 27 brought us back to the same point: relations with Turkey should be deepened as much as possible in all areas, provided that Azerbaijan's independence and membership in the UN remain. The only issue that Armenians and Russians are afraid of is the establishment of economic, military, and cultural integration between Turkey and Azerbaijan. They are afraid that the situation is the same as in 1918 when the Turkish army went and saved Azerbaijan. This must be continued absolutely. Not only nationalist but also liberal-minded Armenian intellectuals were well aware of this. For example, director Sergey Parajanov and writer Hrant Matevosyan, whom I also know personally, criticized Armenian nationalism. It is known by whom and for what purpose Armenians were brought to Karabakh and the lands of ancient Erivan. Armenians, who are fed by the church and stand on their own two feet with the help of the diaspora and are used as puppets by the great powers, do not give up their old dreams. Pashinyan’s demonstrative actions in Shusha, Khankendi, and other regions of Karabakh were to try the patience of both Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Turan: Was the attack on Tovuz for the same purposes?

Kamil Veli: Tovuz is not in Karabakh, and if it was attacked, it means that the Armenians had a great appetite. This is an integral part of the policy of stabbing in the back of both Azerbaijan and Turkey. Turkey said with great sincerity that whatever Azerbaijan wants will happen, and the Turkish state and the Turkish nation will do everything that Azerbaijan wants. There is everything in this oath. If we carefully analyze the details of this oath, we will see how true it is. We saw that the Armenians responded to the ceasefire agreement reached on October 10 by firing rockets at Ganja. Turkey knows and analyzes all this very well. We are not talking about our dear martyrs, mothers who gave birth to them, we are talking about those who are indifferent to the occupation of our dear homeland. The main opposition leader Ali Karimli expressed the position of our people by declaring that we are with the army and the state. In such cases, everyone must put aside their political interests. The other parties also signed a memorandum and expressed readiness to support. We are not talking about flatterers, we are talking about notable personages and political organizations, we are talking about war veterans. It is good that we had not been deceived by the ceasefire game; otherwise; the Armenians and the Russians could have gained a lot. Without the permission and consent of Turkey, without the direct instruction of Mr. Erdoğan, Azerbaijan must no longer sign any ceasefire agreement. We do not want that. Some people of Azerbaijani origin abroad write some statements and have them signed by others. There is no need to be upset. Because the position of Azerbaijan is not that, the main mass is the passionate forces of Azerbaijan. In the struggle for the truth, we must not forget our grandfathers, our fathers, we must not forget our Ataturk. In my opinion, we should not be late in discussing two issues: confederation talks with Turkey and the appeal of Mr. Erdoğan, Aliyev, or our intellectuals to our brothers in South Azerbaijan. Armenian terrorists in Syria and Lebanon are fighting against us in Karabakh. This is a direct war crime. However, we are waging a just war in Karabakh, so it is natural that our brothers in South Azerbaijan support us. Mr. Erdoğan has repeatedly said that we are not fighting there, we are providing moral support. If any state is officially there, Turkey will also support brotherly Azerbaijan. They may try to drown Azerbaijan in a pool of blood but our army and the support of Turkey will not allow it at all. As Mr. Erdoğan said, the world is bigger than Five. It will not be possible to threaten the peoples who have gained their freedom in the last 30 years. I am very glad that the Azerbaijani army has passed the test. I am happy that we have built a perfect army in 30 years. A perfect Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood was established, and the memory of 1918 was revived. This is very important for our victory. Everyone knows the sinner and the innocent. The Armenian myth of "a nation suffering, a nation oppressed" has also been destroyed. Those who ruled Armenia have not been democratically minded, and they are not today. There is no house in Yerevan without Turkish food and Turkish culture. Armenians cannot live by turning the past into the present. Azerbaijan realized that it just has to trust itself and its brother. I am very hopeful and trust my people. Turkish-Azerbaijani brotherhood is the only way for me. I am sure that our historians, such as Jamil Hasanli, Aydin Balayev, Solmaz Togidi-Rustamova, Nasib Nasibli, write and will write this phase precisely. Today, the Islamic State of Iran is assisting Armenia. But when 35-40 million South Azerbaijani Turks stand up, that Islamic state will not be able to do anything. Just as they stood up and forced the Iranian state to defend the Azerbaijani lands. This is a great victory for my brothers in the South. Therefore, my last words are the Turkey-Azerbaijan confederation and our brothers in South Azerbaijan...

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