Arrested Journalist’s Wife Reports Threat of Her Deportation

Baku / 24.09.16 / Turan: The wife of the chief editor of,  Fikret Faramazoglu, who was arrested on charges of extortion in June, Faiga Nosreti held meetings with the Head of the EU Delegation in Baku, Malena Mard and other members of the mission, as well as an employee of the UN Human Rights Bureau, Jamshid Gaziyev, who is visiting Baku.

Turan was told by the human rights activist Oktay Gulaliyev.

Nosreti said her husband was subjected to torture at the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime (MDCOC) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Nosreti is an emigrant from the South (Iranian) Azerbaijan and has lived in Azerbaijan since 2004. Once she made public the facts of torture of her husband, she got a call from the Migration Service and began to ask about her residence and business.

Nosreti states her husband was subjected to torture in MDCOC in order to make confessions. Under torture he was forced to abandon the appeal.

The young woman said she was threatened with deportation, Gulaliyev said. -06D--

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