Growth of patriotism is the main outcome of hostilities on April 2

Roundtable "April 2 - the stage of the Karabakh war: acquired and lost,"

was held on April 12 under the auspices of the Musavat party. The participants focused on the military actions that took place on April 2-4 on the line of contact in Karabakh conflict zone, marked some success of the Azerbaijani army, which repulsed several key heights, inflicting moral damage. The main results of the three-day shelling were called the growth patriotic spirit and confidence in the return of the occupied territories. The myth of the inaccessibility of the defense system of the Armenian army was dispersed, said political scientist Elkhan Mehdiyev. However, he expressed a lack of understanding, just like other speakers, the failure of the leadership of the Armed Forces of military success.

Military analyst Uzeir Jafarov said that the national army units that liberated the village of Talish and other areas have shown a high degree of heroism and fulfilled the task, despite the loss.

Concerning the role of international mediators the participants negatively assessed the role and position in Russia in the Karabakh settlement as a whole, and in the first days of April.

"Russia is an interested party to the conflict, which provides weapons regime in Armenia and strongly supports the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, said Isa Gambar, the head of the analytical center "Thought".

At the same time the chairman of Musavat Party Arif Hajili said that this hour of trial for the Azerbaijani people showed once again that Turkey remains loyal and consistent ally of Azerbaijan.

It was also noted that the change in the military balance should push the OSCE Minsk Group to the settlement of the Karabakh conflict to adjust their mediation efforts, taking into account current realities, which show the readiness of Azerbaijan, not in words but in deeds to liberate the occupied territories by military means if the Armenian side refuses constructive negotiations.

But political scientist Togrul Juvarly warned against inflated estimates of recent events, noting their link by wider processes in the region and the interests of the big powers. We need to closely monitor and take into account all the movements of the players, including the Armenian side to take informed decisions in the future, he said.

According to Mehman Aliyev, the director of the information agency "Turan", the process of settlement of the Karabakh conflict is accelerating, due to minimizing military conflicts on the southern flank of the Eurasian space - in the Middle East, Southwest, including the South Caucasus. The world is on the brink of great economic explosion, the soonest settlement of conflicts, such as Nagorno-Karabakh, and all key players in the region are interested in it. The discussions resulted in the adoption of the resolution of the roundtable, including assessment of the situation and proposals, as well as the establishment of "territorial integrity" of the nationwide concept. - 0-

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