Media Review July 23, 2019

Judicial and legal reforms, attitude to tenders, social housing are the topics of today's media.

The "Azerbaijan" newspaper writes about judicial and legal reforms, based on the comments of the Assistant to the President on military and law enforcement issues Fuad Aleskerov. According to him, on July 20 the president sıgned the first package of legislative acts covering the institutional component of presidential reforms. This package includes laws providing for amendments to the laws "On Courts and Judges", the Civil Code, the Administrative Procedure Code, the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as orders and decrees providing for the enforcement of these laws. Aleskerov also noted that changes to the law would create the basis for the creation of specialized courts - administrative and commercial courts. These laws will come into force in January 2020, and after that, the current system of administrative and economic courts will be eliminated.

The site "" writes about tenders, discussing this topic with the entrepreneur expert Ismail Alekperov. According to him, part of the tenders held by government agencies, aims only to "cash out", so lawlessness reigns in procurement tenders. Despite numerous complaints, the situation does not change. The state budget has turned into a "collective farm bazaar". The tender commission in the country is a corruption swamps. The wınners are known ın advance. Such a method as rollback is widespread. That is, part of the funds goes to organizations that have announced a tender, and the rest remains with the winner of the tender.

The site "Yeni" writes about social housing, talking about this topic with expert Ramil Osmanly. The scandals in this issue and problems do not dry out. According to available information, another 3,000 social apartments will be built, but it is still a question of whether the housing issue will be resolved in this way. The expert argues that this housing are no longer social because it came out of the format of a social project. This is just a relatively cheap housing, built under the line of the State Agency for Housing Construction. Although the project was designed to improve the living conditions of poor families. In the first project there were about 1,700 apartments, the project has been implemented for almost 3 years. -0-

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