Media Review May 27, 2019

The social orientation of the reforms, the obstacles hindering the search for work, a look at the personnel against the background of reforms, and the developing status of the country are the leading topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the social direction of the reforms, noting that their goal is the welfare of the population. The author writes that fundamental and systemic changes began in the socio-economic sphere. New industrial enterprises are being created, one of which is the Diamed syringe manufacturing plant, which was opened on May 16. It is part of the Pirallahi Industrial Park. At its opening, the head of state said that growth in the non-oil sector in the first 4 months of this year was more than 15 percent. During this period, 3,916 million manat was also transferred to the fixed capital. Export operations for 4 months amounted to 11 billion 639 million 281 thousand manat.

The website discusses the topic of why university graduates are so poorly represented in the civil service. For the most part, university graduates are not engaged in a specialty. Experts believe that the diploma issued by the university is a certificate for a fee during training. The level of teaching and education received are quite low. Applicants enter universities through a test system and often they have to learn an undesired profession. Many learn carelessly, knowing that in the end they will not be provided with work that brings a normal salary. There is such a feature as the level of education of specialists who teach at the university. But the employer is looking for a highly qualified specialist, which many students after graduation are not.

The website Azpolitika-info publishes the opinion of the MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev regarding the personnel in the power team. He believes that with existing personnel, reform is impossible. There are cadres who are both sick and the terms of office have already been completed, and they are still in office, taking advantage of the nobility of the President. According to the MP, intrigues now reign in power. Strategic positions are occupied by unsuitable people. These people, in order to extend their term of office, are intriguing in order to prevent the advancement of reforms, seeking to push back those who could actually support the President in this matter. The MP calls them destructive elements.

The newspaper Yeni Musavat discusses how to use the concept of a "developing country". This category usually includes countries with a not fully developed economy, dependent on primary energy resources.

Such countries are allocated quotas for the export of raw materials to America - tax, customs. Azerbaijan has no such quotas. In 2007, within the framework of the Eastern Partnership Program, 6 countries were offered a preferential export model in the amount of 250 million euros. Azerbaijan could not fill this quota, and therefore was able to export goods worth only 80 million euros. It was about non-oil exports. Georgia was able to fill this quota with wine, fruits and natural minerals. In order to take advantage of this category of "developing countries", Azerbaijan needs additional agreements. Experts believe that it is necessary to become a member of the WTO. -0-

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