Media Review September 25, 2018

The forthcoming visit of the Russian President to Azerbaijan, the flood in Baku after the September 23 shower are the leading topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about today's arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Azerbaijan. The newspaper notes that this is the fourth meeting in three months between Aliyev and Putin.

The author claims that Baku always takes independent decisions and does not run counter to its own interests.

Political relations between Russia and Azerbaijan have reached the highest level. The current visit of Putin can make a new contribution to Russian-Azerbaijani relations.

The website also writes about the visit of Russian President Putin to Baku.

The visit is commented by the chairman of the Democratic Party Sardar Jalaloglu, who says this visit does not bode well. The politician claims that the Russians continue their imperial policy. He believes the visit pursues a goal connected with some geopolitical concessions.

The newspaper Novoye Vremya writes about the Sunday flood in Baku after a downpour. Rain water flooded a number of areas, streets and avenues of the city, and basements.

Two years ago, after a similar downpour, the President's order created a working group to improve the rain sewer system of the capital. The issue of rainwater removal remains unresolved.

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