Press Review � 11.08.2018

The economy of Azerbaijan at a new stage of development, the fate of the future of Azerbaijani investments in Turkey and Russia, the alleged external interference in electric meters, these and other topics are the focus of press attention on Saturday.

The newspaper "Azerbaijan" in the article "New stage of the rise of the Azerbaijani economy" referring to the data of international rating agencies, notes the growth of the country's economy. So, in 2018, GDP growth is projected at 1.5%, and in 2019 - 3%.

The author positively assesses the policy of the authorities to diversify the economy, noting that in the first half of 2018 the volume of the non-oil sector amounted to 846.5 million dollars.

In the coming years, high oil prices, the implementation of the Southern Gas Corridor and gas exports within the Shah Deniz-2 project will give impetus to economic growth.

The site "" in the article "Azerbaijan should return investments from Russia and Turkey") focuses on the collapse of the Turkish lira and Russian ruble rates.

Expert Gubad Ibadoglu notes that the depreciation of national currencies occurs in the countries that are the main trade partners of Azerbaijan. And, this is not the end of the devaluation of the ruble and lira. All this increases the pressure on the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan and the national currency - manat.

The expert notes that the depreciation of the currencies of Russia and Turkey and the sanctions against these countries negatively affect the profitability of the Oil Fund of Azerbaijan, despite the fact that only 1.3% of its assets are invested in rubles and 1% in lira.

In addition, the alleged US sanctions against the Russian VTB Bank may also hit the interests of the Oil Fund, which has invested $ 500 million in this Russian structure.

The Oil Fund is also the owner of the "Gallery Actor" office and shopping center in Moscow at a cost of $133 million. The collapse in the financial markets of Russia will devalue this property and cut its incomes in dollar terms.

In Turkey have been concentrated the main investments of SOCAR, which were exposed to risks due to the collapse of the lira. In addition, risks to investments and investments of Azerbaijan's private individuals in the economy and banks of the Russian Federation and Turkey have increased.

Ibadoglu believes that it is necessary to return investments and assets from Russia and Turkey, otherwise Azerbaijan's losses will be great and it will not be possible to save from devaluation and manat.

The site "" writes about possible interference in the work of counters and raises the topic of citizens' complaints to obviously inflated electricity bills.

The IT expert Osman Gunduz believes that either the "smart" counters have failed and the calculation is not being carried out correctly, or illegal intervention has taken place in the information system of "Azerishig".

However, the "Azerishig" exclude third-party interference in the counters and in the system itself. -0--

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