REAL activists sentenced to seven days of administrative arrest (updated)

In the late afternoon the Sabail District Court sentenced another  REAL activist Elshan Gasimov to 7 days of administrative arrest on charges of not subordinate police. According to a lawyer Elchin Sadigov, the young man said about the pressure during the preparation of the administrative report. Judgments about the arrest of the two activists will be appealed to the Court of Appeal.

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2016 August 16 (Tuesday) 11:39:18

Today Sabail District Court sentenced the activist  of REAL Movement Togrul  Ismayilov to 7 days of administrative arrest. Today another activist Elshan Hasanov will be brought to trial, according to the member of the Board of REAL Azer Gasimli. Ismailov  is guilty of not obeying the law police requirements. Interestingly, young people were arrested  in the evening near the metro station "Icheri Sheher" by persons in civilian clothes. They were arrested when they came to pick up printing of campaign materials on the leader of REAL Ilgar Mamedov, who is in prison.Ismayilov and Gasimov are authorized representatives of the initiative group "Republican Alternative"  to campaign against the amendments to the Constitution. The REAL Movement  believes that the arrest was politically motivated. On August 12  on criminal charges was arrested  the  executive secretary of the  REAL Movement REAL Natig Jafarli.-16d-

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2016 August 15 (Monday) 23:20:35

On the evening on August 15, were detained Elshan Gasimov and Togrul Ismail, two activists of the opposition  REAL Movement. Both young men are the authorized representatives of the initiative group "Republican Alternative" in the referendum on constitutional amendments. According to Rasul Jafarov, a member of REAL, the activists were detained by persons in civilian clothes near the metro station "Icheri Sheher.  The place of detention is still unknown. However, Elshan Gasimov managed to call his brother, and told that they were detained. After that, his phone turned off. REAL Movement  opposed  the amendments to the Constitution, initiated by the President, which according to the opposition, will lead to the strengthening of authoritarianism in Azerbaijan. A referendum on the amendment is scheduled for September 26.

Earlier, on August 12, was arrested by the executive secretary of REAL. He is accused of illegal entrepreneurship and abuse of power that has resulted in serious consequences. The lawyer Javad Javadov said there were no grounds for the arrest of the defendant, and  the absence of political background of the  case.-0-

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