Sevinq Vaqifqızı. 

Sevinq Vaqifqızı. 

Baku / 15.06.17 / Turan: The journalist Sevinj Vaghifgyzy was interrogated on Wednesday in the Grave Crimes Department of the General Prosecutor's Office.

According to the lawyer Shahla Humbatova, the interrogation was connected with the journalist Afgan Mukhtarli being under arrest.

The lawyer did not disclose the details of the interrogation, adding only that the journalist can be called again.

As it was already reported, in the case of Afgan Mukhtarli the former and current chairmen of the Musavat party Isa Gambar and Arif Hajili, as well as the head of the apparatus of the party Gulaga Aslanli, were summoned to the prosecutor's office.

Isa Gambar was summoned for June 16 at 15.00, Arif Hajili - for June 17 at 14.00, and Gulaga Aslanly - for June 20.

Representatives of the authorities have repeatedly stated that Mukhtarli was a link in the matter of illegal financing of the opposition from abroad. However, there was no evidence of these charges.

Mukhtarli was abducted in Tbilisi on May 29 and taken from Georgia to Azerbaijan. According to the journalist, he was tortured while detained in Tbilisi. He was forcibly transported across the border and taken to Azerbaijan, and 10 thousand EUR was planted in his pocket on the border. Mukhtarli was charged under Article 315.2 (resistance to a representative of power). Subsequently, he was charged under two more articles of the Criminal Code: 318.1 and 206.1 (illegal crossing of the state border and smuggling). Official Baku states that Mukhtarli was detained on the territory of Azerbaijan and resisted with force during the detention. The court authorized the pre-trial arrest of the journalist for 3 months.

Over two years, Mukhtarli lived in Georgia, fleeing persecution in Azerbaijan. He actively participated in the protests against the Azerbaijani authorities, which were held in Tbilisi recently. -0-

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