State Security Workers Demand Political Prisoner to Become Informant

Baku / 01.05.17 / Turan: The NIDA activist Ilkin Rustamzadeh, in custody, reported to the press about the constant pressure on him from the representatives of the State Security Service, who demand that he become an informant.

His friend on the movement Ulvi Hasanli reported on Facebook on this. "Today I spoke with Ilkin Rustamzadeh, and he asked me to convey his words as they are. Workers of the State Security Service several times came to him, demanding to cooperate with them, but he rejected all demands.

The last time they openly threatened him that if he refused, then he would not leave prison or be provided with medical aid and he would die there.

After that, we should not be surprised how it could happen that Mehman Galandarov hanged himself. So, he was brought to suicide," Hasanli writes.

Our attempt to get a comment in the press service of the State Security Service failed.

Recall that Ilkin Rustamzadeh was among the eight activists of the youth movement NIDA (Exclamation), convicted for long jail terms on false accusation of organizing riots and storing drugs and weapons.

The reason for their arrest was the organization of a protest action against soldiers’ deaths in the center of Baku on March 10, 2013.

The Grave Crimes Court sentenced Zaur Gurbanli and Rashadat Akhundov to 8 years, Rashad Hasanov and Mammad Azizov to 7.5 years, Ilkin Rustamzadeh, Bakhtiyar Guliyev and Uzeir Mammadli to 7 years, and the youngest activist, seventeen-year-old Shahin Novruzlu, to 6 years of imprisonment.

Amnesty International has recognized the arrested members of NIDA as "prisoners of conscience".

 In the following period, all the convicts, except for Ilkin Rustamzadeh, were released in the framework of acts of pardon and amnesty. -02D-

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