Azerbaijanis create their model of social resistance

It turns out that the people have long dreamed of their avenger, and now he appeared - Yunis Safarov, who on July 3 shot the head of the city of Ganja and his bodyguard. In the Azerbaijani press and social networks have been spread the photos of a bloody and hand-tied person lying on the floor. Nearby can be noticed the foot of, probably a policeman. A man on the floor, with a bloodstained face, is very similar to a photograph from the passport of Yunis Safarov. Photo collages are distributed, on which Yunis shot the Chief Executive of the city of Ganja, Elmar Veliyev. The networks are full of Yunis's praises and curses to Veliyev. It became fashionable to be called a Ganja resident. Journalist Asaf Guliyev, originally from Agdam, placed in FB a proud tablet with the text: "Men Genceliyem" (I am from the city of Ganja.)

The residents of ganja call Yunis their hero and sympathize with his fate, because there is an attempt on two murders, for which Yunis they can be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs denies that it is the photo of Yunis in addition, it is difficult to imagine that someone could photograph the beating Safarov in the police, and then distribute these photos on the network.

Photos of a bloodied man can be seen here:

The persons on the passport and on the police floor are very similar.

Many are sorry, but no one dares to protect Safarov openly; no signatures are being collected, no political party defends him. So, people will feel sorry for him, and the next day they will forget, especially if the power station again blows up and the houses run out of water. Safarov will face hell for many years, if not for life.

The previous such "people's heroes" were two young people who painted slogans on the pedestal of the monument to Heydar Aliyev in Baku. On May 12, 2016 Bairam Mammadov and Giyas Ibrahimov were arrested and convicted, but for possession of drugs. The society was directly poured into the sea of ​​pity and sympathy for Bayram and Giyas, and there was not a single specific actions in their defense. In addition to journalists, perhaps no one else was interested in their fate.

Then in the southern regions of the country they magnified the criminal authority of Rovshan Lankaransky, who was killed in Istanbul in August 2016. His grave in Lankaran became the most revered place, quite like a religious feast. Southerners, calling Rovshan "father", told numerous stories about how he disinterestedly helped the poor. Gradually, they forgot about Rovshan. The same will be with Yunis Safarov.

Why do Azerbaijanis have a passion for messianic rescuers? The people are tired of overcoming the resistance of officials, even in ASAN Xidmet it is now necessary to incubate (not stand) long queues, so many responsibilities for servicing the population entrusted them to the state. And officials continue to work as always, under the portraits of the president and devil-may-care to citizens. Nata Katamadze, a public activist, says: "I was at a reception in the Khatai Executive Power." The sister of the martyr, in despair because the official in front of her nose slammed the door, screamed that if he did not return and continue receiving citizens, she would bomb everything. In 10 minutes he came down "from heaven" .... What should people do? And now, the conformist society has found a convenient way to "pull back", gloating over the hated power and regretting your favorite avengers. " The prisoners and beaten "RobinHood" have nothing form this pity, but relatives ay for the services of lawyers. I have not heard that the people gathered and brought the family of the natural fighter for justice an envelope with money.

"Robin Hood" - it's so convenient. It is not necessary to hold a rally, even if the mass action is authorized by the authorities, is guarded by the police and conducted near the metro station in wonderful weather. Leading political parties cannot collect five thousand protesters under such preferential terms of the action. After all, it is difficult for an unacceptable public figure to come to the rally, participate in elections, generally demand respect for their rights. Why should people wait for the "savior" to be born and grow up. And when he is trampled in the police station, you can be pitied, but it is not worth openly speaking in his defense, since in the end the crime is committed and should he be responsible for it? Must. So why should those who regret complain about personal troubles for supporting a proven criminal?

The Azerbaijanis created a convenient model of social resistance against totalitarian power. Refusing to participate even in legal public actions, the people advance the volunteer, and then pityingly watches over his torment and death. This model is completely satisfied with the power.

On Tuesday, July 3rd at 20:30 in Ganja, in front of the city department store, a native of this city, Yunis Safarov, shot at the head of the Ganja Executive Power Elmar Veliyev and his guard. Veliyev was taken to the Central Clinical Hospital of Ganja, and then to Baku. A lawsuit has been filed under the Articles 29, 120.2.7 (attempted murder of two or more persons) and 228 (illegal carrying of firearms) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The motive of this act is called the protection of the honor of the sister and family.

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