Election Monitoring and  Democracy Studies Center(EMDSC)  on the  results of  referendum

Unfortunately, in a referendum on September 26 the true will of the people on the amending the Constitution, has not been expressed. At the same time, against the background of restrictions on freedom of expression, assembly and association, the opposition initiative groups were not registered to campaign in the referendum period, reads the statement the head of the  EMDSC Anar Mammadli. According to information on the voting process at the polling stations, observers noted  traditional violations of the electoral law  - multiple voting by the same persons in different areas, massive ballot stuffing, voting by not eligible people.

The political climate prior to the referendum and the voting period, the absence of  democracy and political freedoms, allow said that  on 26 September, 2016 the will of people was not  expressed in the referendum, said Anar Mammadli.

The authorities should have the political will to create a competitive environment for political opponents and release political prisoners. With regard to the activities of local and international observers, Mammadli said that the government of Azerbaijan had  not invited to a referendum  the OSCE ODIHR  representatives. Instead, a small group of  PACE representatives  was invited. "International observers did not have meetings with all interested parties to assess the situation of political freedoms.  The CEC drew only pro-government NGOs to "exit polls". At the same time, the source of funding for these groups, as well as their method of poll has not been noted.-02D-

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