Вечер в Загульбе. Вид с балкона. Фото Муслима Магомаева

Вечер в Загульбе. Вид с балкона. Фото Муслима Магомаева

I watched first four parts of the serial “Magomayev”, took a look at first film reviews.Contradictory reviews. This refers to the fact that Muslim is more known as cheerful, open and gregarious man. Milos Bikovic plays the part of dignified, modest and slightly reserved Magomayev.

It has to be kept in mind that the movie was consulted by singer’s wife  Tamara Sinyavskaya. In my view, she was successful in conveying sentiments and makeup of Muslim during their acquaintance and life as a couple. When they joined in marriage, nothing mattered any longer.


September 1975. The time for public debut of our vocal-instrumental ensemble. Hitherto, we had never performed in public. We played three guitars and percussion. By this time we had already changed two ensemble participants. Regretfully, our entrance fell flat, and at first we hit a wrong note.

The debut came around at “Zagulga” holiday hotel. Note that the latter formed a whole with a cardiologic sanatorium of the 4th department of the Health Ministry. Note that a party-economic establishment had usually rest in summer while holiday-makers from all over the Soviet Union, largely from Russia and Ukraine.

To be noticed is that Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya checked into the holiday hotel in the reviewed period. 10 months ago they married, so it was their honey year. Their apartment was located on third floor of hotel’s administrative building. The apartment was assigned to Magomayev all year long. To my surprise, the star couple practically remained out of public view, led secluded life, so we had no contacts. We did not even dare to familiarize with them, for it was unattainable altitude for us.

Our ensemble was playing dances on the verandah in the evening. Note that Muslim’s balcony opened out upon the Moon in the night sky to thus create a feeling in internal discomfort. I was gladdened that a balcony door remained open during dances, and it went to show that we were heard in the least. It is worth pointing out that on schedule we had to play just three times a week; however, we played nearly every day. The public demanded, and we were pleased to rub the right way.

I was amazed at couple’s modesty and high culture. Below I’ll tell you about two cases that became dignity lessons for all my life.

Young musicians, we usually caroused together with holiday-makers after dancing parties. One day we returned late to our rooms located straight above Muslim’s apartments.

Early in the morning, at 5 o’clock he usually warmed up. We woke up though we wanted to sleep. I said: “Rise and shine, it’s time to rehearse”. We switched on facilities and started playing. Muslim stopped warming up, we did the same. We could have been punished if he complained of us. We was not detained for hooliganism but he never complained. I feel ashamed up to now.

One fine morning were were engaged in rehearsing, and suddenly, our holiday-rep Ilya Yakovlevich, alias Ilyusha ran in as saying: “Merhman, I need Arif”.  Arif is our percussionist, the youngest in our group. He was 15 years old.

“We are rehearsing, so he’ll go nowehere”, I said sternly. The rehearsal was a sacred ritual for us. Even dates were called off.

“Just for 5 minutes”, asked the holiday-rep pitifully.

A break, I declared: “Countdown starts now !”.

In five minutes Arif burst into room with bulgy eyes: “When we came out, Ilyusha said, pick up a bunch of flowers from palisade. I picked a small bunch and followed him. He came up to Muslim’s door with flowers in his hand. I remained between second and third floor. He knocked at the door, Muslim opened the door as saying: “Get the hell off”. And closed the door. Ilyusha knocked again. Magomayev opened the door, and the holiday-rep cried at once: “It’s for Tamara”. Muslim hang one on him, and Ilyusha belted downstairs, and I ran downstairs”.

The same day Ilyusha was taken up to the police and detained there for a week. Enough of this.

Later on, we learned the root cause of the conflict. Ilyusha got into Muslim’s confidence, and they even made friends. One day he asked Muslim to autograph postcards to be presented to panel winners at dancing parties. Muslim agreed signing these postcards. However, no postcards were presented at dancing parties. It transpired that Ilyusha offered postcards to women as memento from Muslim, and depending upon texts on postcards each cost 10 to 15 rubles. Note that he personally wrote in texts with autograph like Dear…as a memento on days in Baku....

When Muslim learned about it, he went crazy and finished with Ilyusha…


A year passed, and we expected the couple to come on holiday again. By now, we had played by ear successfully. To me personally, I need his assessment. However, this time they failed to come.

It should be noted that the Moscow Academic Satire Theater was playing Baku. Actress Zoya Zelinskaya decided to stay with her 5-year son Sergey and have rest at the holiday hotel. She declined from leaving Baku for Tbilisi together with theater company. An editor of the international department of “Sovetskaya Kultura” newspaper, her husband Valeriy Lednev arrived as well”.

Once upon a time Zelinskaya asked me:

Have you graduated a conservatory?

I replied: No

-Musical college?


- Musical school?


-Why are you asking?

-For no reason in particular.

-All ran wild?


-How do you perform?

-We are playing by ear

- May we attend your rehearsal?

- Yes, of course.

We held a rehearsal on the verandah. They sat on a bench watching closely how illiterate musicians were creating the magic of music and improvisation. And just: “Guys, we’re playing a La quadrate”.

Valeriy sprang to his feet, ran away and soon after returned with “Nikon” and began shooting us. Zelinskaya exclaimed: “It can’t be done. Should you perform at Moscow, it’d be incredible”.

To me individually, such an assessment proved to be high distinction as testament to the fact that we had reached a certain level. Playing a dance, I glanced at Muslim’s balcony bewailing that he dis not hear us. His apartment’s doors were closed.



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