Novruz, or Liberation Day?

It was no mere coincidence that Azerbaijani-Turkic thinker, national ideologist Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh in his Novruz Bayramy-devoted articles touched upon an issue of Iran and Turan upholding the idea that this national holiday had actually been associated with Turks, Azerbaijani Turks included.

Rasulzadeh maintained that on March 9 the Turks abandoned a mystical locality   (Ergenekon), and later on the Mongols and ancient Turks began celebrating March 9. Hence, Novruz Bayramy holiday is not alien to Turks. As viewed by Rasulzadeh, figure 9 and Grey Wolf  (Boz Qurd, Bozqurd) are highly appreciated by Turks as evidenced by Turkic historical monuments.

He asserted: «The Turkic tradition, Turkic mythology and contemporary daily living of Turks are illustrative that Novruz is not alien to them. For the whole Turkestan, this ancient Turan, Novruz is as native as for Iran. Beyond any doubt, Azerbaijan and Turkey celebrate March 9 to comply with a special tradition... It has been generally accepted for a long time that the holiday came from Iran. However, it caused certain doubts, for Turanians equally set a high value on purely Iranian traditions of Novruz even despite the fact that Iran and Turkey had always been at odds with each other. Research into ancient Turkic and Mongolian traditions and myths revealed widely spread among Mongols a legend about «liberation» under which on that day the Turks locked in «Ergenekon» with the help of iron «barrier» were rescued by Boz Qurd (Grey Wolf, Pörtəcnə - Portadjna). In other words, this day became a holiday of Turanians’ liberation».

In Rasulzadeh’s words, it is uncontroversial that words like «qurtuluş» - «liberation, salvation»; «qurtulmaq» - «disengage, escape» derived from a word «qurd»-«wolf». In other words, Turkic words «qurtulmaq» and «qurtuluş» as defined «disengage, escape» and «liberation, salvation» consist of words «qurd»-«wolf» and «olmaq» - «to be». As it happens, a word «qurtulmaq» - «disengage, escape» goes back to a wolf from the legend who found the way out of Ergenekon.

Rasulzadeh писал: «They were sons of Iradj, an ancestor of Iranians; of Tur, an ancestor of Turanians, and Sam Yaphes, an ancestor of Arabs. If wars between Iranians and Turanians, and later on, their wars with Arabs, as well as battles between their brothers and cousins are not unnatural, in this case isn’t there a common tradition of joint heritage? To take a stand against Novruz by titling it as Turanian means, in my view, generating unnecessary alienation between the two great integral parts of Oriental and Islamic nations. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if we welcome this day together with the world of living, with the whole Universe?»

Rasulzadeh believed that despite many researchers considered as mistake actions of Jalaleddin Malikshah from Turkic Seljuks – he composed a new calendar to revive traditions of Novruz in Iran, 11 century; Sultan Mahmud Gaznevi, a son of Sabuk Tekin from Turkic Gaznevids. Note that a poem by Persian poet A. Fidawsi «Shahnameh» was dedicated to Sultan Mahmud Gaznevi and eulogized «heroism» of Iranians in the struggle against Turanians, so it’d be wrong to estimate it as follows: «One of the mysterious and imperceptible factors alluring for Jalaladdin as science lover could not have been a tradition of single «Liberation Day» for Turanians?... From scientific point of view, the great Seljuk ruler was famed for his discovery of coincidence between the exit of wonderful spring from deadly winter «darkness» and the liberation day of Turanians from «Ergenekon» - it is not worth condemnation. It is worth praise!».

To sum up, Rasulzadeh sets Novruz of Iranians against the Liberation Day of Turanians, or Ergenekon. According to Rasulzadeh, Turanians put a premium on the struggle, on the fighters: «Turan is as tough and strong as force of nature. Endued with the power of love, the nature being seduced to the dark side of force notwithstanding, is sure to get renewed and rid of stupor.

Also, peoples of Turan are faced with winter and frost. And they are fated to do away with this of their own accord. An old Mongolian legend call March 9 as a day to attain goals mentioned above. Celebrated in the nature, this date is considered to be the Liberation Day of Turan people».


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