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Mr. Erdoğan’s "the world is bigger than five" philosophy has been in circulation for about five years and should be considered right. Exactly 4 years ago, at the Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul, in his 7-minute response to my question about this approach, he once again stressed the need to expand the composition of the UN Security Council, adding: "Why should not Azerbaijan be a member of the Security Council?"
The Turkish president also wrote a book about it, "A fairer world is possible," which was presented in New York a month ago. When the same position was reiterated in Togo, an African country, the press secretary of the Russian president recalled the "struggle against fascism" at the time and said Mr. Erdoğan’s words were unacceptable from a diplomatic point of view.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan brought up the philosophy of "the world is bigger than five", first of all, for the oppressed and exploited Muslims of Africa, and he feels obliged to do so while standing in this position for years. Because he sees himself as the leader of the Sunni wing of the world's Muslims; in religious terms, he is trying to fulfill the responsibility of the caliphate. This is one of the reasons why Turkey is trying to make the regime more religious every day, and that’s why he always keeps the President of Religious Affairs of Turkey close to him, either within the country or abroad. Undoubtedly, there are many factors justifying Mr. Erdoğan in the processes taking place in the world. It is possible to justify the philosophy of "the world is bigger than five" by looking at those factors. But when it comes to domestic politics, the situation is complicated.
In the current situation, it is difficult for the Turkish President Mr. Erdoğan, the staunch defender of the world's oppressed Muslims, to find and strengthen support for the philosophy of "the world is bigger than five", first of all, due to the processes taking place inside the country. At the root of this is the inability to achieve stability in macroeconomic indicators. Undoubtedly, this situation puts the AKP government in a precarious position and even closes its hands and feet at some points. It is true that every time President Erdoğan visits Africa, he pays off the small debts of some countries, but not in large amounts. However, it is unknown how long this will continue, and it is difficult to predict how useful Mr. Erdoğan will be in realizing his ideals.
Due to the insistence of Mr. Erdoğan, who has not backed down from his theory "High interest rates are the source of high inflation", the Central Bank devalued interest rates a few days ago, and the Turkish lira depreciated by about 5%.
It is predicted that the Turkish lira will depreciate again after the next interest rate reduction expected from the Central Bank. If the world-renowned economist Prof. Dr. Korkut Boratav assesses the ongoing processes as "preparation for early elections", it is not difficult to predict that AKP leader Erdoğan, who has won first place in all the elections, will focus on the elections...
Although the policy is indexed to the thesis of "strengthening the alliances", as we have noted in previous articles, we see that the opposition alliance is more enthusiastic and dynamic in this work. According to the latest information, at a meeting between the leaders of the main opposition CHP and its ally partner IYI (Good) Party two days ago, it was decided to expand the ranks of the opposition alliance with the entry of new parties.
According to the Cumhuriyet newspaper, along with the Future Party (former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu) and the DEVA Party (former Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan) founded by those who left the AKP, and the Turkey Change Party founded by the former mayor of Istanbul's Shishli district, Mustafa Sarıgül, will also join the ranks of the opposition parties.
As the main opposition leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu's series of attacks over the past month continues with a visit to the President of the Central Bank and appeals to high-ranking officials, it is impossible that the opposition will not be encouraged. Public opinion polls are no longer monthly or 15-day, but weekly, and it seems impossible to reverse the decline in the ruling party's ratings in all of them.
This shows that the rules of the democratic system work.
Mayis Alizade
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- https://www.trt.net.tr/azerbaycan/turkiy/2021/10/18/turkiy-afrika-qit-sind-ki-xalqlari-ayri-seckilik-etm-d-n-qucaqlayir-r-t-rdogan-1721376
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