Place of Burial of Togrul Narimanbekov Still Unknown

Last week a famous Azerbaijani artist Togrul Narimanbekov died in Paris. He had lived in France in recent years.

 Narimanbekov graduated from Art School named after Azim Azimzadeh and then from Lithuanian Art Institute in Vilnius.

Since 1955 he was a member of the Union of Artists. In 1967 he was awarded the title "People's Artist of Azerbaijan."

Works by Narimanbekov are decorative and festive, built on the foundation going back to the national traditions of Azerbaijani art. They differ with active brushstrokes, intense form and sonority of color.

 Narimanbekov’s art is described as a combination of abstract art.

The peak of the artist's work can be considered painting the walls in the buildings of Azerbaijan Puppet Theatre in 1975 and 1978 and in the lobby of the Moscow Hotel and the Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan.

Narimanbekov also worked on theatrical scenery. He was awarded the State Prize of Azerbaijan and the State Prize of the USSR.

Being half-French (maternal), Narimanbekov combined the oriental temperament with the taste of a Parisian man. It is no exaggeration to say that he was one of the most outstanding masters of the brush in Azerbaijan in the 20th century.

Since 2001 the artist lived and worked in Paris, where he worked with galleries.

At present, the question of the burial of the artist remains open since the second wife of the artist wants him to be buried in France. The artist's daughter from his first marriage, Asmer Narimanbekova wants to bury him in Azerbaijan. -02D-


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