141 Companies and One Sacrificial Lamb

Another 141 companies, performing a pre-prepared mission of “melting” the state budget through dubious transactions of purchase and sale, are ready to complete their “journey of life.” In the official press ads have been published on the elimination of all these companies controlled by one person.

No one knows who created these companies involved in suspicious transactions on public purchase and sale. Their director is Janmirza Mehman Oglu Mirzaliyev. What is known is that these companies were registered electronically in September, November 2013, and in January of last year. As the address, they selected villages in the Guba, Gusar and Khachmaz regions. The term between registration and participation in tenders sometimes reaches two months.

According to the State Procurement Agency, many of these companies won at least 243 transactions of purchase and sale organized in 2013-2014. Note that in the registry of the results of government operations on purchase and sale compiled by the aforementioned agency, in most cases, the names of the winning companies are incorrect. For this reason, the following "list of successes" of the liquidated companies could be longer. Thus, the total cost of the agreements of purchase and sale was 6,897,140 manat. 52 of these agreements were concluded with the National Academy of Sciences, 47 - with the Ministry of Health, 40 - with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 20 – with the Ministry of Education, and 11 - with the Ministry of Communications and High-Tech, that is, with the ministries themselves or with the organizations under their supervision. With those who are not serious partners there were agreements concluded by the Ministry of Agriculture (6 agreements), the Ministry of Youth and Sports (5 agreements), the Ministry of Defense (9 agreements), the Environmental Monitoring Khazar Complex of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources (3), the Department of Energy (4), local authorities (18), JSC TV and Radio Programs (4) and others.

As a rule, the companies are shown as one-time suppliers of furniture, maintenance work, stationery and household goods, major equipment purchases and other foodstuffs. They are also used under such dubious definitions as "other expenses", "utility and communication costs", "other expenses", "other goods and services." The provided purchases are not so small. From the budget quite a lot of money was sent to these companies.

According to data provided by the State Agency for the purchase and sale, these are in the process of liquidation of the company also engaged in the implementation of major transactions of purchase and sale, which requires specialized capabilities. Among them, there are repair and cleaning of facades of buildings, roads, cars, printing and publishing, organizing conferences and other events, the preparation of computer programs, software licensing programs. In most cases, the same company provided several services for the same state organization. For example, at the stage of liquidation TTI Ltd provided some services to the Institute of Information Technologies of the National Academy of Sciences in the amount of 57,015 manat and sold it equipment for 10,000 manat, clothing for 5,000 manat, as well as stationery and household goods for 6,408 manat, and transport services for 7,685 manat. In addition, the same company received from the Institute of Information Technology 18,744 manat for improvement of the web sites. One of the tragicomic operations on purchase and sale was holding "scientific research" for this institution by Prima Service Company of Mehman Mirzaliyev. The cost of these studies was 70 250 manat. Perhaps this fact may be interesting for the Home Office for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General's Office.

Note that the update of commercial legal entities shows that the place of these fake companies liquidated is occupied by other companies with similar names.

Some experts argue that in many cases of such operations on purchase and sale the prices are artificially inflated at times. In most cases, they are realized "through internal capabilities" of the organizations for purchase and sale.

The "one-day companies" engaged in misappropriating funds are managed from a single center. They leave the scene as privately as they appear there. ----08B

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