Aliyev believes Azerbaijan shares Trump's ‘moral values’
President Ilham Aliyev has pinned his hopes on the activation of Azerbaijani-American relations after the change of head of state in the US.
‘Trump comes to power with a completely new agenda, there were no problems in US-Azerbaijani relations in his first term. On the contrary, they were very positive and we managed to make progress in many directions,’ Aliyev said the day before in an interview with local TV channels.
‘The main mistake’ of the Biden administration was that it sacrificed “US-Azerbaijani relations to US-Armenian relations,” Aliyev said.
Secondly, an unfair position on the Karabakh issue was demonstrated, he continued. ‘I have repeatedly and openly told American representatives that they fully and completely support Ukraine's territorial integrity, arm and allocate billions of money. We have restored our territorial integrity. So why do you want to punish us? But there was no answer,’ Aliyev emphasised.
Another ‘mistake’ of the Biden administration was ‘undermining trust to America’.
‘When they needed us, the 907th Amendment, i.e. sanctions, were cancelled. As soon as the U.S. stopped needing us, the Amendment was invoked anew. This is called ingratitude. What trust and long-term co-operation can we talk about?’, Aliyev said.
The Azerbaijani President was also angered by Biden's awarding with George Soros medal, this, according to Aliyev, ‘tore off all the masks’.
‘So it was Soros' power - both during Biden's period and for eight years before Trump. That is why there was no progress in our relations. We laid the groundwork for serious co-operation with the US under the Clinton and George W. Bush Jr. administrations. It continued under Trump,’ Aliyev said.
To his view, Trump ‘promotes values’ shared by Azerbaijani society.
‘He promotes family values, moral values. It is enough to look at his family. Now I don't want to talk about other people's families, but this topic has already received a wide public resonance. The hopes not only of the Azerbaijani society, but also of all countries are that this immorality and spirituality will be put an end to,’ Aliyev further noted.
According to him, ‘Mr Trump's statements contain very clear and precise signals.’ The Azerbaijani public shares most of them, Aliyev said.
However, he failed to explain in what, exactly, the morals and values of Mr Trump, who has been married three times and many women have sued him for rape and harassment, manifested themselves.
Nor did Aliyev explain how Trump's statements about the need to annex Canada and Greenland fit with the principle of territorial integrity and sovereignty of independent states.
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- Politics
- 8 January 2025 12:07
Misinformation in social networks around the Russian House in Baku is aimed at undermining Russian-Azerbaijani ties. This was reported by the Russian Foreign Ministry on the evening of February 11.
The General Prosecutor's Office conducted an investigation into the illegal mining and unlawful land seizure in the Garadagh, Binagadi, and Khazar districts of Baku, as well as in the Terter region. Facts of illegal extraction of building stone, sand, and gravel were established, carried out by unknown individuals who unlawfully seized land plots.
The scheduled court session on February 11 did not take place.
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2 comment
Müslüm Əliyev
Раз так, то почему тогда не купить у Хаястана коридор в Нахичевань?
Как сказать думаю что если Азербайджан был бы свободной демократичной страной очень много бы проблем можно было избежать с Западом мы легко договорились бы но тут совсем другая история уже меняется мир а таким правителям как Путин Лукашенко Алиев нужна поддержка в лице Трампа или кого то еще если смогут найти...