Azerbaijan could become gas transit country between Russia and Iran

Russia and Iran consider the possibility of gas swap to the north of Iran through Azerbaijan and construction of the gas liquefaction plant on the south of the country, Alexander Novak, Energy Minister, told journalists yesterday.

“Today we considered the same perspective direction of gas swap to the north of Iran through Azerbaijan with the possibility of construction of the gas liquefaction plant on the south of Iran. We plan to receive an equivalent volume of liquefied gas, which will be exported to the South Eastern Asian markets, which in the future will have higher gas consumption rate,” he said.

“These projects, definitely, must bring such a synergy effect of raising efficiency and reduce costs for transportation of hydrocarbons, oil and gas,” Novak added.

It was earlier reported that Gazprom is interested in development of the general scheme of Iran’s gas industry development and participation in the extracting projects on the territory of this country and construction of the LNG plant.—0—

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