Registered 1,686 Contracts on Compulsory Motor TPL Insurance in Electronic Form

By 1 November, 1,686 contracts in electronic form on compulsory insurance of liability of owners of vehicles (TPL) were registered, the Bureau of Compulsory Insurance said.

323 of these agreements relate to vehicles in transit, passing through Azerbaijan.

The total amount of insurance payments on compulsory motor TPL insurance totaled 124,065 manat.

Note that since November 1, 2016 MTPL policies in Azerbaijan have been issued only in electronic form. If the insurance company's website has organized online sale of insurance policies, the contracts can be purchased directly; if not, you can contact the company and provide it with the data necessary for the acquisition of the contract. After that, the insured person receives a text message with the number 9707, which indicates the billing code, and the same message comes by e-mail. After payment of the sum insured the contract enters into force. The payment can be made in a bank, a post office, payment systems on the Internet, and payment terminals of banks. ----71D

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