SCS to Purchase at $ 5.5 Million

The State Committee for Securities (SCS) and Korea Exchange signed an agreement on the supply and installation of an information system of trade, post-trade and control of the securities market, the committee said.

The international tender for the implementation of the purchase was announced in April 2014 within the component "Modernization and automation infrastructure of the capital market" of the World Bank project "Modernization of capital markets." The last stage of the competition also involved the company InfoTech Private Limited.

According to the State Securities Committee, the contract between the SCS and Korea Exchange was $ 5,546,000 (VAT included).

Note that in 2012 this project involved the consulting company Corporate Solutions (Britain), whose services were estimated at 6.7 million euro.

In May 2011, the State program "Development of the securities market in Azerbaijan in 2011-2020" was adopted. To accomplish this document, "Modernization of Capital Market" was drafted, which will be completed this year.

The project is estimated at $ 15.8 million, of which $ 12 million is financed by WB. As of December 31, 2013, $4,869,000 was used for the implementation of its various components. ------08D


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