Elmar Mammadyarov on the "unpleasant discussions" in the Iranian parliament

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, Elmar Mammadyarov, called "unpleasant”  the  discussions in the Iranian parliament about  the territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Recently a member of the Iranian parliament, Nadir Gazipur, accused Azerbaijan of hostile activities against the Islamic Republic of Iran, and threatened  with denunciation of Gulistan and Turkmenchay, hinting  on the "return"  by Iran " its lands." Other group of MPs stated about  preparation of the  corresponding bill.

"The Iranian parliament has  begun  discussions which are unpleasant for bilateral relations. I do not believe that such unpleasant actions  will have any result," said  the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, Elmar Mammadyarov, commenting on anti-Azerbaijani initiative in the Iranian parliament.

The Azerbaijani Embassy in Tehran monitors discussion in the Iranian parliament, said  Mammadyarov at today's press conference after talks with Foreign Minister of Slovakia, Miroslav Lajcak.

Under the Gulistan and Turkmenchay agreements signed in 1813 and 1828 on the results of two Russian-Persian wars, the historical territory of Azerbaijan was divided into two parts: the land to the south of the river Araz moved to Iran, and the land to the north (present-day Republic of Azerbaijan)  moved to Russia. --03B06-- 


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