Artur Rasizadə.

Artur Rasizadə.

Baku / 16.03.18 / Turan: Prime Minister Arthur Rasizadeh presented the government's annual report to the country's parliament. However, in his report, he focused on economic indicators over the past 14 years, not last year.

During this period, the country's GDP grew by 3.2 times, industrial production - by 2.6 times, per capita income - by 7.2 times, and wages - by 6.8 times.

At the same time, the poverty level decreased from 44.7% to 5.4%.

The country's strategic currency reserves increased 26.6 times and reached 42 billion dollars by 2017.

For 14 years 1 million 900 thousand jobs were opened, he said.

As Rasizadeh said, the successes achieved in the oil and gas industry contributed to development in other areas.

Concerning social development, the Prime Minister pointed to an increase in the level of gasification from 51% to 93%.

During the discussions, MP Ali Masimli drew attention to the problems of the banking sector, in particular, high interest rates. According to him, without resolving problem loans, the banking sector will not be able to improve.

The problem of repaying loans issued before the devaluation in dollars can be solved by distributing them among the state, the Central Bank, commercial banks and the borrowers themselves.

Following the discussion, the MPs adopted the government report.

Commenting on Rasizadeh's speech, economic expert Nemat Aliyev said that GDP growth was provided due to high oil prices. But over the past 3-4 years, GDP, due to a collapse in world oil prices, has halved - from $ 75 billion to $ 35 billion.

In his opinion, the government did not ensure sustainable development. He also questioned Rasizadeh's data on the opening of 1 million 900 thousand jobs over the past 14 years.

"If you believe the government, the work was provided not only to the able-bodied population, but also to schoolchildren. On the other hand, the government is silent about the number of closed jobs," Aliyev said.

He also does not believe in declaring poverty to 5%.

Based on official government data, it is established that the number of poor reaches 1 million people.

As for the growth of incomes of the population by 3% in 2017, the price increase even according to official data was 5%. "However, in reality, the rise in prices was 20%, so it is not necessary to talk about improving the material situation of the population," the expert said.

He noted the continued oppression of entrepreneurs and the lack of a favorable investment environment. -06D--

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