MIA NAR tries to present monstrous crime as domestic incident

The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (NAR) on the third day after the brutal beating in Nakhchivan of the human rights activist Ilgar Nasibov issued a statement in which it tries to present this monstrous crime incident as domestic violence.

According to the MIA of NAR, the Office of Nakhchivan City Police investigated the case and decided that there was not any attack on the office of the Resource Centre for Development of NGOs and Democracy, "and the incident occurred during a fight on home soil."

As stated, the co-founder of the public association I.Nasibov from time to time arranged meetings in the office with his long-time friend, former chairman of the Nakhchivan branch of the Civil Solidarity Party, a resident of Nakhchivan Farid Askerov. At these meetings the friends drank alcohol.

According to MIA, during the feast on August 21, they again took alcoholic beverages, under the influence of which a dispute arose between them and developed into a melee fight.

Farid Askerov in his explanatory note testified that the cause of the fight was allegedly insulting words used by Ilgar Nasibov against members of his family.

During the fight, they fought each other injuries.

Currently Farid Askerov has been detained by police. In fact, measures of administrative investigation continue, further said the MIA of NAR.

In turn, the head of the Resource Center and the wife of I.Nasibov, Malahat Nasibova called the statement of MIA NAR lies and slander.

She noted that her husband does not use swear words and also was not drunk. "If it were so, it would be felt around. They could not be friends with Farid Askerov because the guy is too young. Ilgar said that after Farid hit his face several athletic people staged a pogrom in the office," said Nasibova.

After the MIA statement she even strengthened the assumption that the physical attack on I.Nasibov and mayhem in the office was arranged by the authorities themselves.

"We shall bring the case before the European Court of Human Rights," said Nasibova.

In turn, the Civil Solidarity Party said that a man named Farid Askerov never was not only the head of the regional organization of the party in the NAR, but even its ordinary member.

Two years ago, he had asked to take him to the party, but the Political Council did not grant this request.

In connection with the spread of false information by the Interior Ministry, the Civil Solidarity Party requires their immediate denial and apology. -06D--

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