The National Council calls for an active struggle against the amendments to the Constitution

The National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) has called for a peaceful struggle against the adoption of the amendments to the constitution in a referendum on 26 September.   The statement  by the NCDF notes that "this is the third attempt to modify the original essence of the 1995 Constitution and create a despotic regime. At the same time, the referendum initiative has been carried out in gross violation of the law:  there was not a legal expertise, was not investigated compliance with the amendments of the Constitution and international treaties. There was also no public debate.  International organizations have repeatedly pointed out that after the presidential elections in 1992,  there have not been democratic elections in  Azerbaijan.

The OSCE ODIHR mission stated fraud in 58% of polling stations during the parliamentary elections 2015. Due to the lack of normal conditions, the European Parliament and the ODIHR refused to monitor the elections. Currently, the conditions for the election are even more reactionary: continuing repression of civil society, in prisons more than 100 political prisoners and "prisoners of conscience".

Election commissions at all levels are under the full control of power. Information space is also under strict supervision of the authoritarian regime. Citizens are deprived of the opportunity not only to watch the free debate, but also in general to hear alternative views. Independent election monitoring institutions have been fully eliminated  in the  country, there  are no conditions for impartial election observation.

As a result of the reactionary amendments to the legislation propaganda is impossible. Society suffers from a socio-economic crisis and intimidated. Under such a repressive atmosphere it is impossible to carry out  free and fair elections, but even relatively democratic campaign and the voting, reads  the statement.

Then the NCDF expressed concern regarding  the anti-people and anti-constitutional nature of the amendments to the Constitution itself, because most of them are  contrary to the Constitution.

These amendments provide for the restriction on the property rights of citizens, citizenship, freedom of information. However, according to Article 155 of the Constitution the rights and freedoms noted  in the Chapter 3 of the Basic Law cannot be submitted to a referendum to abolish or limit.

They cannot be put to a referendum and the proposals to amend or repeal the Articles 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 21 of the Constitution. However, the amendment is essentially contrary to  their spirit.

The amendments provide for the establishment of the Institute  of vice-presidency without the participation of voters,  and makes the parliament dependent on the executive branch.

In addition, the amendments violate the principle of separation of powers and the unrestricted power of the same family, and further restrictions on the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.  Taking it into  account  the  NCDF refuses to participate in the "staging a referendum" and the political show, undermining the foundations of the republic with a foregone conclusion.

The NCDF calls on all political forces and the various layers of the population, the country's citizens to an active, peaceful constitutional struggle to defend the Constitution and the principles of republicanship.-06D--

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