The 8th of March for Leyla Yunus - "I do not feel well"

In contrast to Khadija Ismayilova the known as prisoners of conscience Leyla and Arif Yunus are at large with a suspended sentence.

 On March 7 civil society activists visited Leyla and Arif Yunus at their home. The activists congratulated Leyla Yunus with the International Women's Day on 8 March. Leyla and Arif Yunus suffer from numerous diseases. They need treatment. Today, the couple Yunus lives with memories. They speak about their loved ones, victims of Stalin's regime, who fought on the fronts in the Second World War. "Seeing through what difficulties passed our grandparents, we try to encourage ourselves, said Leyla Yunus.

Leyla and Arif Yunus were arrested in July -August, 2014. In August 2015 Leyla Yunus was found guilty of economic crimes, and sentenced to 8.5 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. Arif Yunus was imprisoned for seven years. Subsequently, their term of arrest was replaced by probation for five years.

The radio "Voice of America" asked them the question: How is your health after his release from custody? How do you live?

Leyla Yunus said: health is very bad. However, it is good that we are at home now. We would hardly survive in prison. On the day of trial on March 4 Arif’s blood pressure was constantly rising and falling. In the morning the pressure was 230 to 100. As for me, I always feel bad. How do we live? We are both historians. We now have the opportunity to return to our family history. You can see for yourself that we are busy, we write, we do not even have the time. We carefully revise all the family photos. This is the father of my grandmother (she showed the photo), this is husband, this is my grandmother, her brother. This is my uncle's letters from the front (shows letter-triangles of uncle from the fronts of the Second World War.) We read them, learn how they lived. None of the family stays alive.  Then Stalin shot them all. And my uncle did not return from front. Now we live by our memories of them, they give us the strength to live.

"Voice of America": When did you see you daughter last?

Leyla Yunus: It is the most sensitive question for me. For her it was a great psychological drama, she was left without us. I kept thinking that my daughter became a victim of my work. But now I see that she is with us.  Arif and I are constantly talked with history.  We often talk on Skype with our daughter. Sometimes I ask Arif what year have we reached now - 1942 or already 1944? Suddenly, my daughter said, "Mom, with God's help we will live until 27 January, 1945, we will see this day." (On that day, the Soviet Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp; this is what we mean – Ed.)

"Voice of America":  Does she remind the death camp?

Leyla Yunus: : Only she and I know what it means.  I tell my friends that my daughter wanted me to see the January 27, 1945. I wish all my friends who live with the hope of freedom to see this day.

"Voice of America":  How are things going with your treatment? Are you allowed to go abroad for medical treatment?

Leyla Yunus:  No, they do not let us go.

"Voice of America": What is the reason?

Leyla Yunus: I do not know. The doctor prescribed everything. We need an urgent operation. Arif has to go to hospital. I do not have answer to this question.

"Voice of America":  What would you like to say to the public, the government?

Leyla Yunus:  The main thing is that society must develop; people should read books, the history. It is very difficult to break people with level, or drop them to a lower level. If the knowledge level of society is not high, so there is no development. If there is no education, the end of such society will be deplorable.

"Voice of America":  What can you say about Arif’s health?

Leyla Yunus: Arif’s health is very bad. We can say that we do not sleep at night. His heart is getting worse and worse, and the pressure rises. He is afraid, I am afraid, and Dinara is afraid.  If something happens to him what will we do? The doctor says that if the pressure increases, and the pulse is reduced, it could lead to a very bad heath.

"Voice of America": Does not he get treatment here?

Leyla Yunus:  What can I say, we do not trust these doctors, and they also aloof.

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