Blogger Lapshin appealed to IlhamAliyev before leaving Azerbaijan

Baku / 13.09.17 / Turan: The pardoned blogger Alexander Lapshin will leave Azerbaijan in a day or two, lawyer Eduard Chernin told Turan. According to him, today the mother of the blogger Bella Lapshina has arrived in Baku, and in a day or two they will leave Azerbaijan together. The lawyer noted that after the pardon, on the initiative of defense, Lapshin was placed in the Central Clinical Hospital to be under the supervision of doctors, taking into account his attempted suicide in the pre-trial detention center. "I just cannot understand he tried to do it; there was a principle consent on his transfer to Israel, and only some documents were to be sent from Israel. That is, his release was a matter of the near future. Moreover, in recent days, the option of pardon was also discussed. Yes, and in prison for many months he had relatively good conditions of detention. He was not kept in a cell together withseveral people, and all this time he was kept in the pre-trial detention center where the conditions are much better. Now all this is over, and all documents for Lapshin's departure are ready,"said the lawyer. According to him, at present Lapshin's health is normal. Before his departure from Azerbaijan, Lapshin addressed the President of Azerbaijan with a letter in which he thanked him for his pardon.In theletter Lapshinnotes that he has realized his mistakes and repents for what he has done. Thanking the head of state, Lapshin further notes that he received "undeniable evidence that Karabakh was and will be the true land of Azerbaijan". I hope that the issue of Karabakh will be settled taking into account the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,"Lapshin said in his letter, who wants the soonest liberation of Azerbaijani territories.-06D--

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