Complaint of Torture from Fikret Faramazoglu Rejected

Today the complaint of torture from the journalist Fikret Faramazoglu was considered in the Sabail District Court, under the chairmanship of Rauf Ahmadov.

Despite the defense's motion, he was not brought to court, his lawyer Elchin Sadigov told Turan.

His request for forensic re-examination of Faramazoglu was also rejected.

According to Faramazoglu, in the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs he was beaten with a baseball bat and knocked out several teeth.

However, the court dismissed the complaint of the journalist. The lawyer will appeal this decision.

Faramazoglu was arrested June 30, 2016 on charges of extortion by threats. According to the MOI, the journalist was detained at the time of receiving bribes from a businessman at a rate of 3,000 manat.

Later, the charges against him were tightened - "extortion by threats by a group of persons, and the commission of such acts again to seize property."

While at the first charge Faramazoglu faced up to five years in prison, now he faces up to 10 years with confiscation of property.

Faramazoglu has been recognized by local human rights defenders as a political prisoner, although his site has a scandalous reputation. -06B-

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