Media Review February 23, 2019

The impression from the meeting with the president in Sumgayit, the lack of interest of insurance companies in insuring passenger buses, the hindrances created by fortified manat on exports are the leading themes of today's media.

The "Azerbaijan" newspaper writes about the meeting of Ilham Aliyev with the residents of Sumgayit and the impressions of this meeting, which took place after the participation of the head of state in the opening of the high-density polymer plant of SOCAR on February 18.

The author cites the opinions of the residents of the city, who happened to meet and talk with the head of state. Residents of the city shared their problems, to which the president immediately responded.

The site "Bizimyol" writes about the disinterest of insurance companies in insuring passenger buses, discussing this issue with the expert Ilkin Ibrahimov.

The author reminds of a serious accident in Sumgayit, in which 31 people were injured. It is about the collision of the passenger bus number 30 with the car "Prado", after which, having lost control, the bus crashed into the building.

The law "On Compulsory Insurance" does not provide for compensation to passengers injured in public urban transport. The expert believes that this paragraph should be added to the law. Moreover, insurance contracts must be concluded with vehicles.

The site "" writes that entrepreneurs engaged in exporting are interested in the cheapening of manat. A comparative increase in the price of the dollar to the manat, businessmen believe, will support the increase in exports of the non-oil sector. The stability of the manat and the floating rate of the national currency of the competing countries gives them an advantage in export.

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