Media Review February 7, 2019

The strengthening of the social protection of the population, the reduction of the number of young people in Azerbaijan, the refusal of Moscow to allow celebration of the anniversary of Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh, and the situation in the banks of Azerbaijan are the leading topics of today's media.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about strengthening the social protection of the population. The author cites the dynamics of wage increases over the past 15 years. 102 settlements were built for the internally displaced persons, and as a result, 290 thousand persons of this category were provided with housing.

Statistics clearly demonstrates the improvement of the social status of the population. At the beginning of this year, 415.9 thousand people receive social benefits, and 62.3 thousand people receive a presidential pension.

The website writes that the number of young people in the country has decreased by 25% or 462,000. This year, compared with 2011, the number of young people from 15 to 29 years old will drop by 403 thousand. Experts believe that this is due to the difficult social situation in which young people find themselves, forced to leave.

The website writes that in Moscow for the celebration of the 135th anniversary of Mammad Emin Rasulzadeh, an agreement was concluded with two hotels. However, at the last moment both hotels refused to hold the event.

The website writes about the situation of the country's banks, noting that they have the weakest loan portfolio among the CIS countries. So says the rating agency Moody"s.

At the same time, Azerbaijan has the highest level of capitalization in the CIS banks, which is explained with the assistance provided by the state to the International Bank of Azerbaijan.

According to the Agency, at the end of 2018, the share of problem loans in the total loan portfolio decreased from 31% to 15%.

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