The brother of the oppositionist announced about  inhuman treatment in jail

Baku/20.05.19/Turan: The activist of party of the People's Front (PNFA) Babek Hasanov is subjected to ill treatment in jail N 6, said his brother Cavid Hasanli.

Earlier it was reported that after the transition of Babek Hasanov from Baku jail-1 to the jail N6 was tortured and placed to the punishment cell. To check it his brother went to jail on May. The deputy head of the jail tried to assure that there are no reasons for concern and messages about tortures are not right.

"In that case, we asked a meeting with Babek tohear it from him", said Hasanli.

The brother told him that there was not physical pressure, but there was a inhuman treatment. "Babek told that at once on arrival in jail he was placed to the punishment cell for four hours. Then his hair was cut, thoughhe arrived in jail with a hairstyle which is allowed for prisoners.

According to him, the arrested was undressed and subject to the humiliating actions. "Under the pretext of check, Babek was completely undressed and forced to stand, holding hands behind his head, and in such state he was forced to squat - to rise. When he refused to obey, the chief of operations section threatened with tortures", J. Hasanli continued.

Then Babek was led to the chief of jail Mamed Mahmudov. That recognized the arrested who was sentenced to one and a half years for participation in a meeting on April 2, 2011 and served sentence in ail N16 where the same Mahmudov was the chief.

"After the conversation with the chief of jail Babek was taken to the chief of operations section again. There Babek was taken to the semi-built building to carry stone cubes from one place on another. He was told that each prisoner has to carry four cubes. Babek told that he has problems with a backbone, and he is a disabled person of the Karabakh war of the second group. However it was threatened with a beating and he was forced to obey", the brother of the convict told.

Penitentiary service rejected that Babek Hasanov was placed to the punishment cell and subject to inhuman treatment. According to the head of department of public relations Mehman Sadygov, each convict on arrival in jail kept in a quarantine and is explained the rules, the rights and duties. Therefore Babek Hasanov was kept not in a punishment cell, but in a quarantine.

As for undressing, on the arrival each prisoner is examined, his head hair and personal belongings are checked in compliance to norm. As for carrying stones, by regulations, prisoners can be involved in works on improvement, cleaning, and there nothing illegal, the representative of Penitentiary service told.

Let's remind that Babek Hasanov was arrested in May of last year on so-called case of illegal financing of PNFA. The court sentenced him to three years of imprisonment. - 06D-

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