Kim Philby rests!


    According to the reports of our bravest secret agencies, the most hardened spy in the history of contemporary Azerbaijan, who was recruited by the enemies of the young republic 20 years ago, has been revealed!

   Once upon a time, one of the heads of British intelligence, famous Kim Philby, was unmasked as a Soviet agent, but he managed to escape and move to Moscow, where he lived until his death. Over 20 years of cooperation with Moscow, he managed to convey a lot of valuable information, to expose dozens of agents, and to disclose the plans of the West against the Soviet Union.

   Despite all attempts of Hilal Mamedov to hide, he could not deceive the vigilant security officers (prosecutors, police officers.)  There is a saying; even the longest day has an end. 

   However, there are some uncomfortable questions: where have our law enforcement agencies been for 20 years while this spy collected and sent valuable information to our enemies? How could they miss his meetings with residents, encodings, and sabotage actions?

   A couple of years ago, National Security Ministry (NSM) arrested another "spy," Novruzali Mammadov.  Why were they not vigilant and how could they have missed Hilal, who was around all that time? Moreover, Hilal was getting tasks, sending messages and receiving money for his job!

   Perhaps he bought heroin with the same money, but did not have time to sell it. Perhaps, he decided to invest illegally earned money and do damage to the gene pool of the country. What cunning!

     But what if it turns out that if they did not find drugs, and espionage activities have not been exposed? Something is wrong ... Well, okay, let the authorities correct all discrepancies.

It is strange that all this coincided with the Talysh activities, because they decided to hold a folk festival. What an insolence! Now we need to urgently modify the constitution in order to discourage others from thinking about cultural and other rights, and to prevent celebrations.

   Reading the information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office on this subject, one is struck by the skill of our security officers, although it is not clear what was being spied on. What could Hilal Mamedov know, and what could he transfer to Iran? Military secrets? Political secrets? Maybe he knew the exact number of Talysh people, and reported it to Tehran? How could he dare?! What a blow to the country's independence! You can not forgive this, you can not!  And it is a pity that it is not the year 1937 now!

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