Spy mania without borders

As soon as the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of National Security (MNS) gave official information, the sites controlled by them began to publish details accusations against Rauf Mirkadirov.

As soon as the investigation explained what happened, the workers of these sites rushed to learn “public opinion,” as if asking a rhetorical question: how can the Azerbaijani journalist   be a friend of David Shahnazaryan (former head of Armenia’s national security service?)

People asking this question is not ashamed that it has not disclose the materials of "investigation"  about which  Rauf Mirkadirov’s lawyer will not be allowed to speak  as it is an investigative secrecy.

It is noteworthy that once the head of one of these sites was accused of betraying national interests and working for the Armenians during a trip to Karabakh. The attempts to deny these charges at the court did not help, as well as international support.

This man that spend several years in prison now he's talking about betrayal of Mirkadirov. In fact, the Lord ways are mysterious...

(By the way, David Shahnazaryan is the most violent critics of Serzh Sarkisian’s regime, a supporter of closer relations with Azerbaijan, and conclude a just peace agreement on Karabakh - Ed.)

   There is little doubt how the accusation will be formulated: he regularly visited Armenia and met with Armenian leaders. He had talks with them, and provided with information representing a state secret. The main thing is to take real facts and fill them with ready negative evaluations - to create an atmosphere of conspiracy, and nothing is to be proved. This how the system works, the same happened at the trial in the case of Ismayilli events, and in the case of activists NIDA.

But in this story there is another question: who needs it? What do the authorities want to achieve?

Some people may accuse the author of these lines of bias: how do you know that Mirkadyrov is not a spy? May be they bribed it?

To this I can reply that theoretically everything is possible. Under every situation must be objective facts. First of all, Mirkadyrov is a well known journalist, has the title of “Honored Journalist of Azerbaijan”, and he was awarded by Ilham Aliyev.

He is the winner of the prestigious international award named after Gerd Bucerius.

For years, he has been known for his analytical publications on international events, and I do not remember that his materials on the Karabakh issue differed with pro-Armenian position; on the contrary, he is one of the authors, who constantly exposed the inconsistency of Armenians and their dependence on the will of the Kremlin.

Furthermore, espionage involves the transmission to opponents the information of national importance. Staying for more than three years in Ankara Mirkadyrov could not have access to such information.

With high probability we can assume that the charges will be built on personal correspondence or statements made at conferences and meetings.

It is needless to say what damage it causes to the international image of the country, although it seems that no one longer cares about this image

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