

Ibrahim Mammadli, the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan, speaking on television warned that if strict quarantine measures were not taken, the situation with coronavirus in the country would follow the Spanish version. In this country, 769 people died from a pandemic only on March 27. The day after the speech of I. Mammadli, the Azerbaijani police began to fine 200 manat citizens over 65 who were in the streets.

How long older people will have to live in captivity is not known. Earlier experts predicted the end of the pandemic in June, when the heat begins, and yesterday the, director of the Harvard Institute of Global Health Ashish Jah said that he predicts the continuation of the coronavirus pandemic for 12-18 months. Victory over COVID-19 will succeed only with the advent of an effective vaccine. The Robert Koch Institute in Germany reported that the coronavirus epidemic could last two years, since a pandemic usually occurs in waves.

Azerbaijanis forced to live in self-imprisonment complain about the impossibility of self-isolation when the country's government does not provide the basic needs of these people. The social network writes that it is impossible to get through to the call center of the social service to ask them to bring food and medicine.

Akif HasanovRetired lieutenant colonel Akif Hasanov lives in an apartment in Baku Fortress. He shared with Turan his thoughts on forced retreat.

"... it’s not known, on the basis of which it was decided to fine violators of the regime up to 200 manat, because those who go to the streets are mostly lonely, wishing to go to the pharmacy or to the store. That is, having paid such a fine, the pensioner is doomed to a monthly starvation, and such a diet will be worse than the coronavirus. As for the fine of 2,500 manats, then members of this headquarters will have to pay for it.

What social benefits are offered to those who will make phone calls and whether they even know about this phone is a question. In other countries, this contingent is predetermined, volunteers or the police went around everyone, they warned and without any calls they deliver everything they need to the addressees.

How will social workers of private enterprises be socially provided, those who work for daily payment, in other words, those who are in the “slave markets”? Indeed, to oblige small enterprises to pay for non-working employees is to sentence a significant part of these enterprises to ruin.

Part of the funds coming to the Coronavirus Foundation comes from budget organizations - is it by embezzlement of budget funds or by transferring salaries of budget workers to them? If the second, then how correct is it to strip the salaries of those for whom this money is the only means of existence?

In other words, all the issues raised, and not only them, require specific clarification so that the population knows what awaits them in the near future, since it is not known when this attack will end.

As for self-isolation, this is absolutely the right decision, but it is necessary to create such conditions so that there is a reason that keeps people from staying on premises for such a long time. This is quite exhausting, and if those who live in individual houses with household or at least courtyards can still find something to do, then it is completely difficult with those who live in urban apartments without the possibility of being in the fresh air. To do this, you need to reconsider the grid of uninteresting, unattractive, and sometimes-wretched programs of local television studios, so that people can only watch TV.

During the period of self-isolation, more energy, heat and water will be consumed, it is possible to abolish the norms of their expenses for this period, or in general, the state will assume these costs. The same goes for the Internet and telephone conversations.

In such a difficult situation, government agencies should be more actively involved in outreach, which will avoid the spread of rumors and speculations.

The people understand the difficulties faced by the government and will take unpopular decisions with understanding if there is an explanatory work, does not leave room for omissions and assumptions, and does not allow any kind of insinuations and rumors to appear.

It is necessary to objectively cover the state of affairs with the epidemic, since the people must fully realize what real danger lies in wait for us ... ", A. Hasanov said in a letter from the house.

Foreign doctors report negative effects on the health of those who are forced to live in self-isolation. Experts warn of stress from loneliness and weakened immunity due to physical inactivity. People with weakened immune systems are more likely to become infected with coronavirus.

The World Health Organization made recommendations yesterday.

“Even in small rooms, walking around the perimeter or marching in place can help you stay active. If someone calls you, stand or walk around the house while talking, rather than sit. If you decide to go outside to take a walk or go in for sports, make sure that you are at least 1 meter away from other people,” the text of the WHO recommendations says.

During the day, they offer to do short workouts, dance, play with children, clean up at home or take care of the garden. It is not recommended to spend a lot of time in a sitting position - moreover, it is better not to sit for more than 30 minutes and get up more often.

“Consider using a table with high legs that allows you to work in a standing position or use books or other accessories as supports. When sitting down, give preference to mental activities such as reading, board games and puzzles,” the recommendations read.

Doctors recommend deep relaxation as a way to avoid stress. “Meditation, deep breaths and exhalations will help you stay calm,” WHO recommends.

It is also important to remember the need to eat right and consume enough pure water, and not drinks containing sugar. WHO insists that alcohol consumption be limited or eliminated?

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