Cars for insurance consultants of «Ateshgah»

Azerbaijan is trying to expand the  state of  insurance agents and consultants in the field. One of the leaders of the local insurance market, the company «Ateshgah» has created for its insurance consultants the opportunity to get a car.

From 1 July to 31 December 2013, each insurance consultant, who sold 350 policies of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners  will get the opportunity to participate in the competition.

The winner of the participants will be determined by drawing lots. The winner of the first place  will receive a car Chevrolet Cruze, for second place - a motorcycle, for the third - a sport bike.

Everyone who wants to become an insurance consultant can test a chance, according to news service of «Ateshgah».

Insurance company "Ateshgah" was established  on December 18, 1996 and operates in the local insurance market since January 1997. In March 2007, the company received a license for a period of five years. Currently, the company provides services on four types of compulsory and 18 types of voluntary insurance.

At the end of 2012 the share capital was increased to 5 million 8.500 manat.

The company's shareholders are SOCAR (10%), ISRHolding Limited (63%), OOO "Russian Academy of Sciences, Eksim" (27%).

To date,   in Azerbaijan operates a total of 11 offices (branches and representative offices) of the insurance company "Ateshgah", five  of which  have been located in the regions - cities: Ganja, Lankaran, Khachmaz, Sheki and Mingachevir. - 17D-


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