Facebook has not yet reached its peak of popularity in Azerbaijan

Number of users of social network Facebook (world leader) in Azerbaijan from 15 to 25 January did not increase.

International research and monitoring (http://www.socialbakers.com/facebook-statistics/page-2)

show that the number of local users at 984 thousand 700 people (six months + 86 thousand 560).

The reason for the addition of a significant revitalization of civil society amid revelations officials, protests against the deaths of soldiers in peacetime and active mass discontent against "zabyvshihsya" officials and their relatives.

According to the portal, this network uses 11.86% of the population at 23.3% of the local users of social networks online. For comparison - in Armenia ratio is 12.7 to 27.7%, in Georgia - 20.32 to 80.35%, in Russia - 5.45 to 12.47%.

Azerbaijan is in the list of 213 countries on the 83 th position. Is there hope for growth? According to local experts, today the market is saturated with people, but the surge of social activity among young people will lead to the fact that by the second half of the number of fans of the network will be over a million. - 17D-



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