Reports - not achievements yet

Over the past week Azerbaijan dropped by 119 line indicators optimal speed of traffic in the world "league table." In this case, the rate rose from 3.55 Mbit / s to 3.59 Mbit / s.

This means that it is necessary not to report on the achievements and improve the quality of the Internet. Our closest neighbors in the table are the Caymans Islands (line above) and Panama (line below). Ghana, Barbados, Brunei, and Uganda are also higher in rank.

As the official portal of the company Ookla (,110/Azerbaijan) said,  this is due to the fact that the speed of the Internet on them, not to mention the neighboring countries, "went to White Castle." For comparison, in Russia (25th position) the average is 17.91, in Georgia - 12.63 (40th position), Armenia (55th position) - 10,20 Mb / s with a small deterioration of the position, but much better quality than in Azerbaijan.

Local Internet quality index is far from the 58 products that describe the site (it was 54).

Indicator for the center of the capital on incoming traffic is 3.85 Mbit / s. On the periphery of Baku the speed is 3.01 Mbit / s, and in Sumgayit - 2.74 and 2.88 Mbit / s.

Earlier on the map there were data on settlement Masazir, Jalilabad, Sheki, and Goychay, now these points on a map of virtual services do not exist.

Chosen for the experiment were 318 thousand 251 of 2.47 million active unique IP-addresses. The study is based on the statistics of 20 local Internet service providers and telecom operators, mainly in Baku. For this reason, we turn to the capital providers in the Reference list monitoring.

Among them in the first place CityNet with 29.31 Mbit / s. After it come AZERTELECOM with 10.11 Mbit / s and Eurosel LLC with 7.40 Mbit / s. These two providers offer services throughout the country, but leaving the capital, their speed decreases. Completing the table are TransEuroCom LLC with 2.31 Mbit / s and Baksell LTD LLC with 1.94 Mbit / s. - 17D-


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