Tax revenues increased by 10.4%

In January this year the Ministry of Taxes directed to the state budget 780.3 million manat, which is 10.4 % more than during the same period in 2013.

In the Taxes Ministry they told Turan, about half, or 48.9 % of tax revenues accounted for the profit tax. In January last year for this type of tax was raised in the state treasury 54.3 % of tax revenues.

The share of excise duties accounts for 9.1 % of tax revenues, a 3.3 % strength point higher than the figure for the same month last year. As you know, on January 21 this year the government of Azerbaijan reduced to a minimum excise duties on gasoline caused by the need to meet local market needs.

According to the Ministry of Taxes, from the oil and gas sector was not collected 330.8 million manat, which is 26.6 million manat more than in January 2013.

In 2014 the Ministry of Taxes shall provide revenue to the state budget in the amount of 7.1 billion manat. This is a 6.5% increase from the performance in 2013 (6 663.6 million manat). This year the Ministry of Taxes share in the state budget is set at 38.5%. - 08D-


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