Prezident Ərdoğan və Oğuzan Asiltürk
It is clear that a new political establishment will open the door as Kurdish-leaning politics begin to express critical views and purify the processes of the last 10 years.
The government wanted to use the 70-year-old former head of the terrorist organization once again but when they saw that it was a fat lot of use, they folded that notebook and threw it in the trash.
While representatives of the party, which has been represented in parliament since 2011, in prison mirrored on their mistakes on one side (for example, Selahattin Demirtaş, the EU forces the government for whom to be released), and on the other hand, the goal of "being a party of Turkey" is brought up and discussed in the media (for example, Ayhan Bilgen).
In the words of Islamist politicians, the ruling party, which despaired of an alliance with the Marxist Kurds, not only repeatedly attacks Meral Akşener's IYI (Good) Party to expand the base of the People's Alliance but also does not give any chance to Ahmet Davutoğlu's Future Party to prevent the expansion of the opposition (The dose of attacks on Ali Babacan, who is sincere with the opposition union, is not equally severe).
Although the government, which has not yet been able to break up the opposition union and to prevent the two new political parties from leaving the ruling party in the near future, has never thwarted its efforts in this direction: the goal was not political, but ideological. The principle of "what we extract is profit" from the Islamist class has been introduced into circulation. In other words, the ruling wing of political polarization, so to speak, "in search of new goose to unfeather", can not find an address other than the Islamist masses.
The news indicates that the demands of the congress will emerge in the Felicity Party, the center of "religious thinking" that continues to be the political nucleus of Turkish Islamists and where President Erdoğan also rose.
20 days ago, we wrote that President Erdoğan did not go to the house of 86-year-old Oğuzhan Asiltürk in vain. At the congress to be convened at the request of Asiltürk, who has the power to influence the most uncompromising wing of religion in the Felicity Party, in case of failure to respond positively to the demand of the congress, which will be the "Sword of Damokles" over the head of Temel Karamollaoğlu, who is the current chairman of the party and rejects the government's demand for "alliance or cooperation", a new Islamist party will be formed to try to attract as many Felicity Party members and supporters as possible.
In this way, the government is trying to use the "one vote is gain" formula and to weaken the Felicity Party as much as it can. The interesting thing is that in recent days, the Felicity Party leader Karamollaoğlu also made statements on the terms of "alliance and cooperation" that “It is now impossible to determine whether I will strengthen or lose the rating if the ruling bloc accepts the demands of the Felicity Party.” Because the Felicity Party, which is currently part of the opposition bloc, also insists on changing the country's system of governance and "transitioning to a strengthened parliamentary system". It should also be borne in mind that if the Felicity Party unconditionally accepts the proposals of the ruling bloc, it will be shaken by its members and the electorate.
I want to use my right to express my personal forecast without waiting for these processes to take place and say that the Felicity Party will enter into an alliance with the ruling bloc, led by the AKP, after a while. The main reasons for this are the deepening of polarization in the country over the "secular-Islamist" confrontation, President Erdogan's perception of himself as the leader not only of Turkish Sunnis but also of the world's Sunnis, the expansion of the authorities of the Presidency of Religious Affairs and its active involvement in politics. If the Felicity Party stays away from this alliance, the mark that will be stamped on its forehead by the AKP will be the "betrayal of the struggle" in the Latin and Arabic alphabets.
It will take a long time to save the Felicity Party from this heavy accusation of the AKP, which currently has a large investment and numerous media outlets. As a result, in the eyes of that wing, Oğuzhan Asiltürk will put in his pocket a ticket to heaven as "an Islamic ruler who guaranteed to go to heaven," and Temel Karamollaoglu will put in his pocket a ticket to hell as "an infidel rolled into the pit of Kemalism".
Of course, from the point of view of those who have unlimited wealth in the ranks of the AKP today and want the current situation to continue unconditionally...
In this conversation, how do Ilgar Mammadov's 234 manats not have people shed tears of happiness?
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