The point is about activities of the State Agency for Servicing Citizens and Social Innovations under the President of the Azerbaijani Republic (Asan Xidmet Center),according to the Decree N-685 dated July 13, 2012.

I"m glad to state that ASAN Xidmet technology (state enterprise though) makes its own contribution to the cause of human rights protection and struggle against corruption, as well as attempts to ensure transparency and openness in the country (this is none other than the "e-government without functionaries).

It has to be kept in mind that our "ICT Project" dated February 17, 2003 has come to no end over 16 years. In the meanwhile small Estonia granted Skype to the world (as co-participant of the Project) and completed its ICT program in 2005 titled "Tiigrihüpe". Also, the said Skype being free of charge worldwide, ASAN Xidmet services are paid (rather expensive; why cannot these services be paid at the expense of the state?).

It should be highlighted that ASAN centers are operative in line with "unified expanse" principle, including: operability, transparency, courtesy, responsibility, ethic behavior, etc. To ensure more qualitative services, ASAN Xidmet centers are applying new methods and latest innovations. Also, ASAN is eager to get renovated.

It is worth pointing out that our concept of "e-government" accounts for receipt of documents and references from enterprises and organizations of the country without functionaries" participation!

Under an international practice, a "e-government" based on the one-stop-shop principle provides electronic services to establish contacts between citizens and government structures in more acceptable form (acceptable for whom?).

It"d be appropriate if successful struggle against corruption would be defined more clearly in annual reports of government structures: mass media hold that following ASAN the economic crimes in the country redoubled.

In all probability, ASAN Xidmet is unlikely to take bribes; however, another question arises: are ASAN tariffs justified (who and how are they defined?), for they are not comparable to minimum wages in Azerbaijan. It is obvious that despite ASAN"s activity the economic crimes and corruption in the country kept up, according to Transparency International reports.

They say that ASAN Xidmet put an end to home corruption and hit a serious blow at the traditional corruption. It is quite probable; but what about the system of oligarch functionaries whose names are to be laid open to the public.

To all appearance, the expert is right in claiming that "in reality, this system (by Georgia"s experience) was meant to concentrate in an integrated center public services rendered by various public structures in an effort to ease their accessibility for the population and thus liquidate the corruption that caused mass discontent of citizens. Regretfully, the creation of ASAN service failed to exterminate roots of large-scale corruption in the country".

Some experts opine that "when it became obvious that it was impossible to reform traditional corrupt structures, an interesting process of the establishment of parallel effective management structures. Everything began with ASAN service. A structure was set up to render more quality services for citizens" money. For instance, last year the ASAN service collected about half-billion manats...All money was meant to replenish the budget bypassing the corrupt oligarch system".

The question is that a draft ICT of Azerbaijan dated February 17, 2003 provided for the creation of "electronic government" to act as ASAN. Also, 16 years later (June 2, 2019) we read that the European Union (ЕU) is engaged in creating "an electronic government" in Azerbaijan. Within the framework of the new project the EU urges the Eastern partnership countries to reduce roaming tariffs, develop high-speed broad-band network to promote economy, expand e-services, harmonize digital structures in society (in logistics and public health), strengthen cyber security and develop digital habits.

It is emphasized that "if earlier a scheme of e-government was simple: the government in the center and other subjects of the state are around it. From now on the algorithm has changed. Today in the center is a man (citizen, taxpayer, voter, migrant, foreigner, etc.), and everything on the e-space is meant to serve comfortable and convenient human lift."

A special emphasis is laid on the fact that "Azerbaijan should harmonize its electronic network and services in line with European standards. The main thing to do is to make electronic systems of various structures of the country operate integrally".

For what purposes were money expended throughout 16 years (since 17.02.2003)?

It is worth reminding that nearly all governmental statements report on great successes in the struggle (along with newly adopted anti-corruption laws) against corruption in Azerbaijan. Even despite obvious progress in communal sphere (domestic corruption) covered largely by ASAN Xidmet, Transparency International ratings say that no progress has been made in other fields of social life. Mass media publications focus on corruption facts in local bodies of executive power, especially those concerning a private construction on individual land plots.

As for ASAN Xidmet real position in the state system, it"d be appropriate to underline success of similar innovations on anti-corruption struggle in Georgia. For example, a structure of "Justice House" was drawn up by Minister of Economy and Sustained Development in the office of President Saakashvili, Vera Kobalia. Experience of her work was highly appreciated, so in 2016 Kobalia was appointed a chief consultant of the Indonesian government for economic reforms. For two years of work she managed to move 300 mln-strong population in the business rating by 40 positions. In particular, she was successful in introducing in practice "Justice Houses" in Indonesia to comply with the Georgian pattern.

In spite of the fact that a concept of "e-mail government" provisions for a set of services (documents and references from enterprises and organizations) without direct participation of functionaries; true, there is a host of salaried men employed at ASAN.

A priority is a completion of country"s digitalization and construction of a unified system of transfer of synchronous digital hierarchy by optic cables and an ending of e-government in Azerbaijan (without functionaries). A project of e-government must have skidded or the number of e-government openness reduced, otherwise there was no need in creating rather expensive state structure "ASAN service".

To all appearance, our citizens have finally realized goings-on around e-government (

Yes, the electronic government is in need of highly developed telephone network of common use and its informatization by all regions of Azerbaijan with functionaries" involvement. The International Telecommunication Union is prone to think that 40 telephone sets per 100 residents (we have half of the figure) are required to attain this goal.

It is evident that ASAN as a product of digital technologies is not a guarantor of the development of democracy and transparency in the country. The problem is that the database on each person in "authoritarian regimes" may threaten the immunity of private life and human rights in the country, especially in the course of elections, referendums and in mass media proper.

Perhaps, the use of "information technologies" is not our merit (we do not create them; we just consume these technologies). It is explained as being due to satisfaction of financial interest of foreign manufacturers seeking to gain maximum profits from introduction of their new inventions in the developing countries, including Azerbaijan.

Earlier 1990s, e-mail as technology took first steps on this track; however, as a concept of World Wide Web (WWW) gained a rapid development together with violent growth of Internet.

It is obvious that ordinary citizens, especially youth, with their minimum wages, are faced with difficulties arising not from backbone network (which calls for optical communication) but from the last mile - a channel linking a finite (subscriber"s) equipment with access node of Provider (telecoms operator). And again, an ordinary subscriber is not private banks or offices, i. e. all these result in "digital inequality" (digital divide) implying division of society on the basis of its access to information technologies

It has to be kept in mind that many people believe that in reality our hypothetical e-government is aimed - as distinct from foreign e-government - at informatizing power-holding structures while an ordinary citizen trails along at the back. Unfortunately, the information society as topical issue from state structure standpoint contrary to practice and market view has still been associated equipping job places with computers only.

It present, the civilized public activity is feasible in the informed society only. Effective activity of public and legal structures, ministries and departments; execution of laws and tax abiding of citizens; social activy of population; lack of corruption and bureaucracy is possible in society informed.

In a word, society"s awareness is a factor of social intellect and social will acting in system manner and goal-orientedly. Note that a sign of "height" of technologies used is accounted for by human"s involvement this technological, process, and the lesser human"s participation, the higher is technology, so we are delighted with state institution of ASAN where "elite" services rest on "army of functionaries". In spite of the fact that ASAN has been awarded with a UN Prize-2015 among public services in the category of "Improvement of Public Services Rendered", it"s all half-and-half appraisal.

It has to be kept in mind that the information community (IC) is a social, economic and scientific-technical process aimed at ensuring rights of citizens and meeting information needs of citizens, bodies of state power, local self-government organizations and public structures of the country on the basis of existing info- and telecommunication resources for consumers, no more.

It should be remembered that the United Nations Organization (UNO) regularly issues ratings of countries based on the level of e-government development. The document evaluates preparedness of more than 190 countries worldwide engaged in exploiting information-communication technologies (ICT) for provisioning citizens.

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