OSCE Representative concerned about pressure on journalist in Azerbaijan

Baku /31.10.18 / Turan: OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Arlem Dezir, expressed concern about the abduction in Baku and police pressure on journalist Ismail Islamoglu for his critical views. "I am concerned by reports that Ismail Islamoglu, journalist with internet channel @Kanal13_Baku, has been abducted and tortured by the police for his critical views. I ask the Azerbaijani authorities to conduct thorough and transparent investigation into circumstances of the incident," Desir wrote in his microblog on twitter.

On October 29, Islamoglu said in the evening that he had been abducted by persons in civilian clothes three days earlier and was subjected to physical and psychological pressure for critical publications in the General Police Department of Baku.

The City Police denies the fact of the detention of a journalist, claiming that Islamoglu"s relatives have declared his disappearance. When he was "found," the police held a "preventive conversation" with him. - 16D-

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