шейхульислам Аллахшукюр Пашазаде

шейхульислам Аллахшукюр Пашазаде

Baku / 14.02.18 / Turan: The chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Office, the sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh ordered to devote Friday prayers in the country's mosques to calls for an extraordinary presidential election on April 11 for Ilham Aliyev. Along with Pashazade, the leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic, Albanian-Udi Christian community, the Mountain Jews community also called on the followers of these religions to vote for Aliyev. However, these appeals contradict the legislation of the country. Thus, the head of the "White Party" Tural Abbasli, put forward as the presidential candidate, commenting on Turan's appeals, confirmed that legislation prohibits religious figures and structures from interfering in politics. Abbasli said his election headquarters would file an official complaint with the CEC. For pre-election promotion begins only on March 19. -03B-

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