Travel from Azerbaijan to Turkey and Russia lessened

Baku / 21.08.18 / Turan: Over 1.655.000 foreigners and stateless persons visited Azerbaijan from different 191 countries of the world in January-July this year.According to the State Statistics Committee, this indicator is by 9.1% more than in the same period last year. Mostly the citizens of Russia visited Azerbaijan - 31.5%; from Georgia - 19.8%; from Turkey - 10.3%; from Iran -10%; from the UAE - 3.5%; from Iraq - 2.4%; from Ukraine - 2%. The number of arrivals in Azerbaijan increased due to the countries of the Persian Gulf (with the exception of the UAE and Iran.)In comparison with January-July last year, the number of arrivals to Azerbaijan from Kuwait increased by 3.3%, Saudi Arabia - by 3%, Bahrain - 2.7%.

In January-July, the number of visitors from Azerbaijan from the EU countries increased by 7.4%, amounting to 65.9 thousand people. The number of those who visited Azerbaijan from the CIS countries also increased.

During this period, the number of Azerbaijanis visiting foreign countries increased by 9% compared to the same period last year. Their number totaled 2 million 514.2 thousand people. 33.4% Azerbaijanis visited Georgia, 24% - Iran, 22.9% - Russia, and 15.2% - Turkey. Over seven months the number of Azerbaijani citizens visiting Iran increased by 31.2%, and Georgia by 0.9%.The number of visitors to Turkey over this period fell by 5.5%, and Russia by 2.6% .- 0-

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