IRFS urges Merkel not to sacrifice human rights for economic interests

Baku / 21.08.18 / Turan: The Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS) appealed to Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel with an appeal to raise the issue of observance of human rights and common European values ​​in the field of democracy, the rule of law and fighting corruption during the upcoming visit to Baku.

The Azerbaijani authorities do not limit repressions against their critics inside the country, but bribes European politicians to whitewash their "anti-democratic and corrupt image," the appeal reads.Critics of the authorities face daily the risk of physical violence, as well as the threat of arrest on trumped-up charges.

E.Huseynov notes that he has been in political emigration for three years, and his brother - journalist and human rights activist Mehman Huseynov is kept in prison for more than 17 months.

Over the past three years, the authorities of Azerbaijan tried to liquidate in Germany the journalists Emin Milli, Habib Muntezir, and Tural Sadygly with the hands of their secret services and the criminal groups under their control.

Another criticism of the authorities - the former deputy of Azerbaijan, who was granted political asylum in Germany in 2013, Huseyn Abdullayev, was illegally detained in Turkey and sent to Azerbaijan.

Today the government of Azerbaijan assures Europe that the country provides energy security for Europe, forgetting its obligations on human rights, democracy and fighting corruption. With the support of energy projects of Azerbaijan with multi-billion loans, civil society does not feel any support from European partners, such as Germany or the European Commission, the appeal says.

IRFS calls on Merkel to immediately release all prisoners of conscience, urgent reforms in the sphere of electoral legislation, as well as in the sphere of activities of NGOs and the media, to the Azerbaijani authorities as a condition for continuing business cooperation. 06D-

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