Earle D. Litzenberger

Earle D. Litzenberger

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee is "prepared to back" Earle D. Litzenberger to be the next ambassador to Azerbaijan, clearing the way for his likely approval by the full Senate, Turan's Washington correspondent was informed by the Senate sources.

At his Oct 4 confirmation hearing, Litzenberger faced questions on Azerbaijan's deteriorating human rights records and the country's security cooperation with the U.S.

"We have to remain concerned about lessening political freedom inside Azerbaijan," Senator Chris Murphy, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said.

In his speech, Litzenberger highlighted Azerbaijan's long term cooperation with the U.S. on different areas such as energy and security, adding that the country's integration with the West "can and must go beyond energy pipelines, exports, and security cooperation."

"The United States must also continue to work closely with Azerbaijan on advancing democratic and open economic principles through strong rule of law, transparency, and the protection of human rights and dignity. It is in Azerbaijan"s interest to undertake these reforms, both to ensure long -term stability and to unleash the full potential of its people and economy." he said.

"Democracies thrive only when bolstered by an independent judiciary, respect for the rule of law, a free media, a vibrant civil society, pluralism, democratic electoral processes, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms," the Ambassador added referring to President Trump's National Security Strategy, in which, as he put it,

"these principles form the foundation of our most enduring partnerships. As Azerbaijan advances along this path, our bilateral relationship will grow even stronger."

"We stand only to gain from a stable, democratic, peaceful, and prosperous Azerbaijan strategically linked to the United States and our European friends and Allies," he reinstated.

Litzenberger also spoke about Azerbaijan"s security contribution in Afghanistan, energy contribution in Europe and its "efforts to diversify its economy away from oil and gas."

"Azerbaijan is already a significant export market for U.S. airplanes, farm equipment, machinery, and other goods and services, but we can create even more opportunities for U.S. companies. If confirmed, I will promote a level playing field and transparent

business environment to - in the words of Secretary Pompeo - "foster good, productive capitalism" so that American firms can succeed , "local communities can flourish, and bilateral partnerships can grow."

"As Deputy Chief of Mission in Kyrgyzstan and Serbia, and throughout my career, I have worked to promote these core U.S. values by helping countries progress in their transition to democratic governance. If confirmed, I will bring all of these experiences to bear in developing a robust dialogue on these issues with Azerbaijan based on mutual respect and confidence."

Litzenberger also pledged to seek to meet with a wide range of Azerbaijani society, in order to share American values and learn more about Azerbaijan"s rich history and culture.

Finally, but no less importantly, he said, Azerbaijan is a key player in the region"s peace and stability. "There is no higher priority for achieving a more secure and prosperous future for the South Caucasus than the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno -Karabakh conflict."

"As Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the United States continues to work with all sides to achieve a peaceful, lasting negotiated settlement of the conflict based on the principles of the UN Charter and the Helsinki Final Act, including the non -use of force or threat of force, territorial integrity, and the equal rights and self -determination of peoples. If confirmed, I will support the Administration"s commitment to achieving this goal."


Washington D.C.

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