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Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/12.08.23/Turan: On 11 August Armenia applied to the UN Security Council with a request to convene an extraordinary session "due to the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in consequence of the forced full blockade of the peaceful population of Nagorno-Karabakh". This is reported by the Armenian media.

Currently, at least two of the 10 non-permanent members of the UN Security Council have active political and economic co-operation with Azerbaijan - Albania and the UAE.

Another 4 countries: Gabon, Ghana, Mozambique and Ecuador are Azerbaijan's partners in the Non-Aligned Movement.

As for the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council, Armenia can count on the support of its "guardian" France.  

It is very likely that Russia, which is against the "internationalisation" of the issue and is speaking out against the interference of third countries in the settlement, will oppose it, believing that it should play a key role as moderator between Baku and Yerevan

In December 2022, Yerevan and Paris already tried to push through the UN Security Council a document condemning Baku for "violating the rights" of Karabakh Armenians and "blockade" of the Lachin corridor. However, the draft statement prepared by France was blocked, and it was Russia that played the most active role. The UK, UAE and Albania also proposed amendments to the text of the statement, which were not accepted by France and it was forced to withdraw the document.

Yerevan's new idea is a continuation of the line on weakening Russia's role and involving Western countries in the process. Yerevan's main trump card is to claim that Moscow is unable to fulfil its "peacekeeping mission" and to achieve the opening of the Lachin corridor.

However, the international situation, the interests of the big powers in the region and the recognition that Armenia is the loser minimise the probability that the UN Security Council will adopt a document condemning Azerbaijan. -06В-

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