Mass Harassment of PFPA Activists

Baku / 25.02.19 / Turan: The activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), Baba Suleymanov, was arrested in an administrative way, sources in the party reported.

The PFPA believes he was arrested in connection with his political activities and activity in social networks. He was also busy with technical preparations for the January 19 rally.

He was taken away by 7-8 people in several cars. Later it became known that he was arrested for 15 days, the leader of the party, Ali Kerimli, wrote on his Facebook page.

Today it became known about the arrest of the head of the PFPA organizing department, Sagif Gurbanly, for 15 days.

PFPA declares that since mid-January, on the eve of the rally on January 19 and after it, 42 party activists have been arrested for periods ranging from 10 to 30 days. Another 21 people were fined. -03B-

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