Press Review 08-09.09.13

Official newspapers publish a decree from President Ilham Aliyev which allocates 5 million manats for social development in the Bilasuvar district. The same newspapers continue to write critical articles about the National Council, arguing that the structure is on the verge of collapse.


Azadlig asserts that the issue of transfer of weapons from Baku to Kurdish PKK guerrillas has been submitted to the international level. 


Jamil Hasanli, a single candidate from the National Council submitted to the CEC 44,495 signatures. 

Hasanli plans to visit 12 cities and regions of the country to get 75% of the vote.


Recently, the Office for Combating Organized Crime arrested four young men, two of whom are relatives of Beylar Eyubov. The young men were arrested for participating in a fight. 


Yeni Musavat writes that official Baku did not allow Thomas Melia, US Deputy Secretary of State, to visit Azerbaijan. 


Isa Gambar, leader of the Musavat party, said that representatives of the National Council visited London with the goal of presenting a single candidate from the opposition. 


Baki Khabar writes that Iran is to bear the costs for the development of a railway network in Armenia. Commenting on this fact, the paper claims that Iran wants to be the savior of Armenia. 


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