Press Review - April 14, 2018

Estimates of the OSCE / ODIHR election report on the presidential election and questions of the revision of the state budget for 2018 are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan criticizes the report of the OSCE / ODIHR mission on the presidential elections on April 11.

The author of the article asserts that before the elections in Azerbaijan local and international organizations conducted surveys, according to which the majority of those polled support Ilham Aliyev.

In addition, interim reports of the above-mentioned organizations indicated the existence of a high level of preparation for election procedures.

Some circles are concerned about the fact that the elections were held in a democratic environment, as it can be clearly seen from the joint report of the OSCE, the OSCE PA, the ODIHR and the Council of Europe, the author of the material believes.

The website confirms the existence of violations during the presidential elections on April 11.

"The election masterpieces" were demonstrated in social networks and became the subject of a critical report of international structures. The current elections left all the previous ones in the shadow, the author believes.

The apogee of the violations was "an attack on ODIHR representatives at a press conference, where they were called "pro-Armenian".

However, these critics of the West have never scolded Russia, which openly supports Yerevan, for its pro-Armenian policy.

The newspaper Echo cites the economist's warning that it is wrong for Azerbaijan to revise the state budget for 2018 and raise the cost of economic reforms.

First, it is necessary to make sure of receiving additional profit from the sale of oil, and the earned funds should be reserved and the external public debt should be repaid.

It is necessary to examine the macroeconomic indicators to the end, in particular, issues related to inflation, currency fluctuations, and lending, which is currently being poorly directed to the real sector of the economy. There are quite a lot of questions that require clarification, so the costs should not be increased, experts say.

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