Press Review January 5, 2018

The situation in banks with loans, the prospects for the activities of the Food Security Agency, and the lack of water in the country's irrigation system are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Echo published an article entitled: Banks of Azerbaijan Looted the Population for the New Year.

In the pre-crisis times in the country, the number of people wishing to take credit by the New Year was quite large. Such loans were mainly taken by people older than 25 years.

Compared to 2016, total lending in 2017 decreased by 4 billion manats. Consumer lending in 2017 reduced to almost zero, except for a few banks that continue to lend, but at very high interest rates - up to 30%. It is sort of robbery by these banks. Nevertheless, certain citizens are forced to take several hundred manat at 30%.

The writes that the established Food Security Agency will contribute to the corruption system.

The Agency's activities include all operations for the delivery of food products from fields and vegetable gardens to the tables of citizens. In addition, this Agency will deal with exporting food products and issuing certificates.

About two years ago, according to a survey of The Daily Mail magazine, Azerbaijan was among the countries with the worst indicators of food quality. At present, there is no control over the quality of food products in Azerbaijan, experts say.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the water supply and the irrigation system of the country, on which the well-being of the population and the development of the agricultural sector largely depends.

48% of the country's population lives in the regions, and their income is directly related to agriculture. However, the condition of irrigation canals, the drainage-collector network and the rest of the infrastructure needs to be improved. -0 ----

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